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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

G. The Lamiaceae Family-Monarda-Thyme, Part Two.

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Lamiaceae Video at the bottom of Page


First, listen to Jo Anna, your animated helper, tell you about this lesson.

Please head back to the Ship’s Library and take your place for the lecture on the second part of the Lamiaceae family.
From the main stairwell, go to Deck 4. Turn left, and the Library is the second door on your right. Bring your laptop, notebook, Scent Impression Strips, Sheets, and a beverage.

Could you scan this page to figure out which oils will be covered in this family ahead of time and bring the ones you have to sniff?

You can go in and grab a seat before we start.
Then, read about all the plants on this page and take breaks when necessary.
Please watch Robert’s video on plants of the Lamiaceae family, Annora’s song, the summary video for this unit, and a video story by Marko, a Croatian Sage farmer.
Fill out your scent impressions and download the exercises at the bottom of the page.
Create the product suggested to spark the transformations from this lesson.

Overview and Objectives

To finish reading about and learning about the aromatic plants in the Lamiaceae family, create a peppermint, myrrh, and coconut oil toothpaste and spearmint-tingle foot bath.
Enhance your current shampoo and conditioner.
Make a blend to focus your thoughts and a blend to deter mosquitoes.
Smell all the essential oils in this family you have available, and fill out scent impression sheets for all you sniff.
To learn about the properties of the oils in this family and see some steps it takes to be an essential oil grower.
Download your exercises for this lesson at the bottom of the page.

To look up references used in this course, go to our
reference page-

The Lamiaceae family – Part Two.

You can get comfortable and start your reading now.

Monarda / Wild Bergamot / Bee Balm

monardaMonarda fistulosa

Geraniol type – Class Alcohol

Thymol/Carvacrol type – Class Phenol- more toxic.

We will be discussing the Geraniol type in the following notes.

From: Canada

Steam-distilled flowering plant

Growers in Southern Alberta produce much of this beautiful, essential oil. It still needs to develop the profile that it deserves in aromatherapy.

Hair and Skin: This oil helps balance hair and skin conditions like geranium. Dilute and apply externally for various skin situations, ranging from acne to aged skin.

Monarda may reduce shingle pain. For this painful condition, dilute it with purified water and gently spray it onto the area before scabbing occurs. Or, mix it with a St. John’s Wort carrier and gently dab it onto the area with a sterile pad.

Respiratory: The oil diffuses in the air as an anti-infectious and antibacterial mist. It is beneficial for fungal respiratory infections. Like Nigella sativa, the oil contains thymoquinone, a potent antiviral.

Mix a drop with a cup of salt water and gargle for a sore throat.

Genito: Useful for fungal urogenital infections. Add a few drops to the bath or douche. Add a couple of drops of monarda to a tablespoon of coconut oil for external application to the itchy area.

Circulation: Increases cardiac force and protects the heart. Niolaevski (1990) angio-protective. One study showed that Monarda fistulosa reduced cholesterol content in the aorta simply by inhaling. (Intriguing).

Perfumery: Floral, light; Middle note.

Odour intensity: mild-mid.

Blends with bergamot, black pepper, chamomile roman, cinnamon, clary, geranium, guaiac wood, lavender, lemon, rose, sandalwood, and vetiver.

Mental and Nervous System: Use in a bath, diffuser, or as a pillow spray. Monarda stimulates the nervous system yet is helpful for sleep and calmness when one is hyperactive but exhausted.

Anti-oxidant properties.

Monarda & BeeMythology-Spirituality: It attracts bees, symbols of the goddess. Witchipedia says it is used for developing psychic powers, protection, and fertility. It has also been used to enhance dreams. You can use it as a pillow spray.

Cautions: Avoid using Monarda during pregnancy, breastfeeding and with children and pets. Test on the skin to ensure there is no reaction.

Copywrite- Northern Star College.

This writing has repeatedly used information cited from authors on the reference pages. Aromatherapy is a new field. Please keep your notes updated with your research.

MONARDA- Student Project- Tanya Mackie

Monarda from Laurie on Vimeo.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Oregano Wild

oregano-aOriganum vulgare

From: Yugoslavia, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, Morocco.

Class: phenol

3 Key Constituents: Carvacrol (30-87%), p-cymene (2-9%), y-Terpinene. (Baser et al. 1993)

Steam distilled flowering plant. One kilo of essential oil is obtained from 100 to 200 kilograms of plant material. Much commercial oil is adulterated with Cretan Thyme (Thymus capitatus) and various oregano species.

There are many oregano species. Chemical constituents vary widely, with most products on markets praising the high carvacrol content. The oil is brown-yellow with a strong, warm, spicy, herbaceous odour and dry, acrid bottom notes.

The Greek name Origanon means “joy of the mountains.”

Favourite Use: I apply diluted oregano oil onto the soles of my feet or dab onto the inside of my elbow if I feel run down to help fight colds and the flu. I also like to dilute it with water and spray it onto the soles of my feet if they are itchy to prevent fungal infections.

Note I smell like a pizza after doing this, and my cat avoids me. Oregano is very aggressive to the skin, and you must be careful not to burn yourself when using it. Also, do not rub your eyes or other sensitive body parts after touching the oil.

Hair and Skin: This essential oil is highly antiseptic. When diluted with a carrier and applied to the skin, it can disinfect cuts, boils, and wounds. It is also effective against parasites and fungi. Use it for skin parasites, including lice.

It is strongly anti-bacterial against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Staphylococcus species, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella species. It is anti-viral in cases of HSV-1, cold sores and shingles, and viral bronchitis and pleurisy.  It is a strong anthelmintic against amoeba dysentery and other intestinal amoeba infestations. For the latter, it combines well with Thyme ct: thymol, niaouli, or cinnamon bark. For short-term use, combine with black spruce for intestinal parasites. However, it would be a mistake to think of oregano as simply a substitute for antibiotics. “We need to move beyond seeing it through the 19th-century lens of microbial warfare – a simplistic, retrograde, reductionist paradigm that is unfortunately still touted in allopathic medicine and its pharma-driven commercialization today.” Holmes (2019-348).

Oregano, winter savoury, tea tree, lavender, mint and basil inhibit Candida albicans more efficiently than clotrimazole. Bona E et al., J Appl Microbiol 2016 121(6): 1530-45.

Carvacrol-rich oregano and thymol-rich thyme oil inhibit biofilm formation and virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Lee JH et al., J Appl Microbiol 2017 123(6): 1420-8.

Both thymol and carvacrol are active against the difficult-to-treat Cryptococcus neoformans and C. laurentii fungi and biofilm. Kumari P et al., Front Microbiol 2017 8: 2161.

Muscles and Joints: Dilute in a carrier like dandelion for conditions like- Tennis elbow and rheumatism.

Respiratory: Diffuse in a blend of less harsh essential oils, like lavender or palmarosa, for asthma, colds, bronchitis, and catarrh. It is a bronchial stimulant for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and whooping cough. It is both an expectorant, spasmolytic and bronchial dilator, yet antitussive. Combine with basil for spasmodic bronchial conditions, including asthma.

oregano_mf_1Immune: Apply onto the soles of feet for colds, fevers, and flues. Anti-infectious.

Digestive: Dilute to about 1% in a carrier and rub on the tummy to soothe a nervous stomach.

Oregano is an herb that stimulates the liver and spleen, calms intestinal spasms and infections, and stimulates appetite.

Mental and Nervous System: Stimulates, revives the senses, and eases ear noise. Neuralgia, sciatica. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 329. The oil is a valuable stimulant for the sympathetic nervous system in various cold and weak conditions, including circulation, chronic fatigue, and CFS. It stimulates adrenal fatigue and low blood pressure. “Oregano is for the weak-willed individual who is easily manipulated, for poor self-discipline and courage leading to self-neglect and poor follow-through, and for low self-esteem leading to lack of self-confidence and pessimism. Oregano can be a valuable guide to developing true self-empowerment and becoming a free autonomous individual by the intentional exercise of choice and will.” Holmes (2019: 349).

TCM: Tonfies Yang, warms the interior, and strengthens Shen. For yang deficiency, shen weakness, fatigue, apathy, cold hands and feet, and recurrent infections, combine with pimenta berry, black spruce, or clove bud. Mix it with fir, cypress, or basil for lung qi accumulation, wheezing, coughing, and pain. Combine with ginger or nutmeg for Stomach-spleen empty cold (Spleen Yang deficiency).

Mythology: Oregano shares the same story as Marjoram. She was created by Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Marjoram is an herb of happiness, joy, and luck. But Marjoram is more of a love herb, and oregano is more of a protector due to its fierce, antiseptic nature.

Perfumery: Top note, herbaceous, medicinal.

Odour intensity – Very High

Blend with angelica, basil, citronella, camphor, cedarwood, fennel, geranium, lavandin, lavender spike, lemongrass, myrtle, oakmoss, pine, and rosemary.


Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Properties (2022):

Origanum vulgare essential oil is noted for its potent antimicrobial activity, effective against bacteria like Staphylococcus spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are common in skin infections. Its anti-inflammatory properties also support skin health by promoting wound healing and tissue remodelling.
Bora, L., Avram, S., Pavel, I.Z., Muntean, D., Liga, S., Buda, V., Gurgus, D., Danciu, C. (2022). “An Up-To-Date Review Regarding Cutaneous Benefits of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil.” Antibiotics, 11(5), 549.

Bioactivity in Skin Care (2022):

Recent research has explored the use of Origanum vulgare essential oil for treating skin disorders such as acne and signs of aging. The oil’s effectiveness in these therapeutic areas is often increased in modern pharmaceutical formulations like microemulsions.
Bora, L., Avram, S., Pavel, I.Z., Muntean, D., Liga, S., Buda, V., Gurgus, D., Danciu, C. (2022). “An Up-To-Date Review Regarding Cutaneous Benefits of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil.” Antibiotics, 11(5), 549.

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Please do not use it with children under 7. Keep away from children and pets. Please do not use it internally. Likely an irritant on sensitive skin. Never use undiluted. Hepato-toxic in large or long-term doses. Tisserand pg. 376- Expect side effects if you take it orally with diabetic medications, anticoagulant medications, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, and other bleeding disorders. Please do not use it in hot, dry conditions. Long-term use may inhibit healthy microflora.
Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

DRUMS OF THE OREGANO WARRIOR- Student Project- Tanya Mackie


Oregano spices

Do you Think you Know Oregano? Tina Mathieu Presents a Quiz in two versions.

Take the Kahoot. it Challenge –

Tina has put together a fun quiz to test your knowledge of oregano and to teach us more about it. If you get bounced out, go back to the link and continue.


Here is a link for the PDF VERSION OF the OREGANO QUIZ

Oregano Quiz by Tina Mathieu




Patchouli-flower-1Pogostemon cablin

From: Sumatra, Malaysia, China, Brazil, Indonesia, India

Class: Sesquiterpenes (40-45%), sesquiterpenols (35-45%)

3 Key Constituents: Patchoulol (24-50%), alpha-Bulnesene (10-26%), alpha-Guaiene (6-15%). (Lawrence 1989 p. 15, 1995 c. p. 73; Milchard et al. l 2004) Steam distilled from resinoid (Leaves are partially dried and fermented before distilling). The oil is widely adulterated with paraffin, castor oil, or Gurjun balsam. Up to 40% of commercial oils may contain clear wood oil (a genetically engineered oil containing the main compounds of patchouli). Krause A et al., Planta Medica 2018 April 24.

This is a dense, dark orange to amber with a rich, sweet woody-rooty odour. It has a spicy overtone and a wine-like green floral note. The oil becomes more rounded and richer with age, losing some greener notes. The dark colour is from distillation in iron stills. Light patchouli is either distilled in stainless steel or bleached and rectified from dark patchouli. The best quality oil is obtained by drying and fermenting the leaves before distillation. After drying, the leaves are stripped off the stems and packed in bales to create fermentation, similar to how tobacco is prepared. Distillation can take 6-20 hours, depending on the producer’s skill. Lower pressure requires longer distillation and a more desirable product. The yield is excellent, with one kilo derived from 30 to 50 kilograms.

Favourite Use: It is a base note in perfumery and a gentle anti-fungal. For me, it is the scent of folk festivals from the 1960s and 70s to the present day. It carries women’s gypsy priestess spirits into the musical realms and spreads a web of mystery and erotic promises to the gods. A few mortal men have also been known to respond to the call. In the early 1800s, this warm, musty, sensuous fragrance was introduced into Victorian England by importing carpets, clouting and shawls from Kashmir. This was anglicized to cashmere, but the fragrance evoked the mystery of the East. The oil is extensively used in perfume as a base note with mossy, woody, and rooty notes. Today, it is also used in the soft and alcohol drink industry.

Hair and Skin: Patchouli has a long history in the East, where it has been used for various skin conditions. It can be helpful for dermatitis, acne, athlete’s foot, cracked and dry skin, enlarged pores, cellulite, scars, and wounds. Patchouli is a tissue regenerator and skin tonic (Sheppard-Hanger, pg. 361). It helps treat rough, irritated, dry, or tired skin, moistening the epidermis and increasing skin elasticity.

It is used in wrinkle formulas. Purchon and Cantele, pg. 94, say it helps to tighten loose skin. It also has a history of use for dandruff, weeping eczema, impetigo, snake and insect bites. Patchouli is also an insect repellent and deodorizer. Add a drop to a cup of salt water and gargle. It protects gums against some bacteria.

Respiratory: Slows breathing.

Digestion: The oil is restorative to weak gut conditions involving inflammation, mucus congestion and microfloral dysbiosis. This suggests benefits to the enteric nervous system, including IBS, damp intestinal disorders, and hyperpermeability with food allergies.

Circulation: External hemorrhoids.

Genito: Aphrodisiac, eases menopausal heat. Purchon and Cantele pg. 94 say it is effective for vaginal infections but also oral thrush and herpes. Patchouli helps repel ants.

Mental and Nervous System: Nervous exhaustion, lethargy, and stress. Like lavender, patchouli is a sedative at low doses but stimulating at high doses. May aid dreaming. Its effects are hypnotic. It may curb appetite. Some find it quiets the mind; others cannot function with the smell, as it is pervasive. It is relaxing and restorative to the nervous system, relieving tense conditions with pain and stress. “Mentally, this stabilizing effect pulls one into one’s physical body…Patchouli essential oil is for mental chatter, worrying, repetitive thinking, and so on, as well as for anxiety or just feeling of overwhelm that often comes with this type of disconnection between mind and body.” Holmes (2016:286).

Perfumery: Earthy, musky. Base note: very pervasive. It can blend well with many oils if used in tiny amounts.

Odour Intensity – High

Mixes well with bergamot, black pepper, cassia, cedarwood, clary sage, clove, frankincense, grapefruit, jasmine, labdanum, lavender, lime, monarda, myrrh, neroli, opopanax, oakmoss, orange, rose, rose geranium, sandalwood, and vetiver. This oil improves with age.

Mythology/Spiritual- Used for meditation blends and aphrodisiac spells and sometimes linked to the nature god Pan.


Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Effects (2023):

This study highlights the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of Pogostemon cablin essential oil, demonstrating its effectiveness in treating skin infections and its potential in anti-inflammatory treatments.
Zafar, N., Unuofin, J. O., Lebelo, S. L., & Muzammil, S. (2023). “A Comprehensive Review on Pharmacological Activities of Pachypodol: A Bioactive Compound of an Aromatic Medicinal Plant Pogostemon Cablin Benth.” Molecules, 28(8), 3469.

Wound Healing Capabilities:

The oil has been shown to accelerate wound healing processes due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to stimulate cellular proliferation and migration, which are essential for tissue repair.
Swamy, M. K., Sinniah, U. R. (2023). “A Comprehensive Review on the Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Pogostemon cablin Benth.” Molecules, 28(8), 3469.

Pharmacological Activities and Mechanisms of Action:
This review discusses the extensive pharmacological activities of Pogostemon cablin, including its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects. The oil’s rich chemical profile, especially its high patchouli alcohol content and various terpenoids, contributes significantly to these therapeutic benefits.
Full Citation: same as above.

Impact on Hair Health
Patchouli oil has been found to promote hair growth by invigorating the scalp and regulating oil production. This makes it beneficial for treating various scalp conditions and enhancing hair vitality​ (BioMed Central).

Cautions: Do not take it internally; allergies exist; do not use it if pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use patchouli with anorexia or elders, as it may reduce appetite. Purchon and Cantele pg. 94. Drug interactions- may inhibit blood clotting. Avoid oral use with anticoagulant medication, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, and other bleeding disorders. There is also a slight chance of skin reactivity. Tisserand pg. 382. The scent is overpowering to many people. Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Anti-Fungal Foot Rub-2

5 drops Patchouli (Essential Oil)

5 drops Tea tree

5 drops Oregano or Thyme

Mix in 15 mls of calendula or neem carrier.

Apply onto dry feet. Use 1-2 times per day. Put on socks after application to prevent floors from getting greasy. Please do not use it on anyone under 3. Stop if there is any adverse reaction.

Fungi can be sneaky and stubborn. Sterilize the shower and bath area. Stay out of the area where fungus is present. Always use thongs or slippers in suspect environments. It may take some persistence to deal with it.

Pennyroyal, European

PennyroyalMentha pulegium: Europe, Morocco

Class: ketone

3 Key Constituents: Menthone, Isomenthone, Piperitenone.

Steam distilled from the flowering plant

Hair and Skin: One of pennyroyal’s main uses is as an insect repellant.

Digestive: Rub on the tummy (diluted) -like peppermint, it can help alleviate sea and travel sickness.

Immune: As an herb, it has been used to cool the body and reduce fever.

Genito: Late menstruation- use in a footbath for this purpose. For menstrual cramps, dilute in a carrier and rub into the pelvic area. Pennyroyal is less toxic when absorbed through the skin than when taken orally.

There is false information about Pennyroyal being an abortifacient. Please do not use it to induce a miscarriage, as it might just complicate the problem. It is not an abortifacient unless it is taken in such massive quantities that it causes acute liver toxicity in the mother. She miscarries because she is so poisoned the pregnancy cannot be maintained (Macht 1921). Tisserand, pg 383.

Perfumery: Camphor-mint scent.Top note. Very high odour intensity.

If you need to mix this essential oil, it blends with citronella, geranium, lavandin, rosemary, and sage.

Mythological & Spiritual: Ellen, Evert Hopman from A Druid’s Herbal, pg. 158, says Pennyroyal has been used to sharpen the brain and wits and bring peace to the household. If a deceased person is washed with a preparation made from Pennyroyal, it may help bring them peace in the afterlife.

Cautions: Pennyroyal is an oral toxin. Please do not use it internally. Avoid Pennyroyal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It can be toxic to the liver and nervous system if used internally. Never use it around children under the age of 7. Do not put it on your animals’ fur. Always dilute.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Pennyroyal, North American

pennyroyal6aHedeoma pulegiodes

From: North America

Class: ketone

Steam-distilled leaves and flowering tops. It is chemically very similar to the European Pennyroyal but is more toxic.

Hedeoma pulegiodes has a more disagreeable odour than the European Pennyroyal.

Properties: Analgesic, reduces sweating. Anti-inflammatory. Insect Repellant: Ticks, fleas, gnats. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 231

Please be aware that this is not to be taken internally. Never use it around children. It is toxic. Avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not put it on animals. It can be toxic to the liver and nervous system if used internally. Never use it around children under the age of 7. Always dilute.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Bergamot Mint / Lemon Mint

lemon mint Mentha citrata

Hybrid between Mentha aquatica and Mentha viridis

From: India, Oregon

Class: Ester,

Key Constituents: Linalyl acetate, Linalool, B-Terpineol (Lawrence 1979 p. 20)

The flowering plant is steam-distilled.

Muscles and Joints: Bergamot Mint can be diluted with a carrier, such as dandelion and used to relieve muscle spasms, inflammation, and traumatic pain.

Cardio: Dilute and apply around the heart; it may be helpful for palpitations and spasms.

Genito: Bergamot Mint may stimulate the male sexual system and ovaries. Put into the bath, it may help fight cystitis. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 287

Mental and Nervous System: Diffused or in baths may be helpful for nervous fatigue.

Perfumery: Top-Mid Note, Odour Intensity-high-mid.

Blends with Bergamot, clary, clove, frankincense, orange, rose geranium, sandalwood, and vetiver.

Mythology and Spirituality: This is beneficial for the second chakra, which is associated with the elements of air and fire.


Therapeutic Benefits for Skin and Hair (2023):

The essential oil of Mentha citrata is beneficial for skin and hair health. It has moisturizing effects and helps soothe skin irritation and inflammation.
Mentha Citrata Herb Oil (Ingredient Explained + Products). SkinSort, 2023.

This is not to be taken internally. Do not use if pregnant, breastfeeding, or with pets. It may be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?


peppermint2Mentha piperita var. vulgaris

From: USA, England, France, Canada

Class: alcohol, ketone, ester

3 Key Constituents: (-)-Menthol, Menthone, (-)-Menthyl acetate. (Lawrence 1993 p 31-35, 1995g p. 94-105, 1997 d p 57-66).

Steam-distilled flowering herb

Favourite Use: I am enamoured with how effective peppermint oil is when I bruise, but do not break the skin. It takes the pain away almost immediately!

I also love peppermint’s ability to decrease cramps when rubbed into the tummy or pelvis. It can also be very effective for relieving headaches.

Peppermint is one of the most loved herbs and essential oils in the Western world. We have a very long association with this plant. Most of us have tasted peppermint flavourings on everything from breath mints to gum. Although I have heard familiarity breeds contempt with essential oils, I’m more likely to rephrase and say that familiarity breeds an attempt. People are more willing to try something they have a history with. However, please remember the cautions, as peppermint oil should not be used around babies and children.

Hair and Skin: It may be diluted and applied to the skin. It is used for acne, ringworm, and scabies. In adults, it is also applied as an analgesic for toothache. It has a history of aiding detoxification. It constricts capillaries, relieves itching and inflammation, softens & degreases skin, removes blackheads, aids in retaining water in tissue, and cools the skin. Sheppard-Hanger-pg 289.

Peppermint essential oil repels gnats, mosquitoes, and rodents.

Respiratory: Peppermint is terrific for cleaning the air. Diffused, it may aid asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, spasmodic and dry cough, and pneumonia and act as a decongestant. Sheppard-Hanger pg.289.

Peppermint essential oil may be helpful in combined multi-drug therapy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Shkurupil VA et al., Probl Tuberk 2002 (4): 36-9.

Put a drop in salt water and gargle for halitosis and laryngitis. Dilute a drop in water and gargle for gingivitis.

Muscles and Joints: Diluted peppermint is a fantastic analgesic used in massage and as a rub. It is as effective as commercial analgesics combined with Ravinstara aromatica. Roulin (1990). Anti-spasmodic. Neuralgia, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism.

Peppermint is the most popular oil for foot rubs and foot soaks. It is stimulating and pain-relieving.

Note*—Do not use peppermint if you are trying to wind down or go to sleep; it is a stimulant. You can use marjoram instead before bed.

Cardio: This may be used to prevent fainting if sniffed, much like camphor. It may increase white blood cells and help anemia, lymph flow, drainage, and fluid retention. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 289.

Peppermint is a superhero in decreasing the pain of bruising.

Immune: Diffused, it may be helpful in cases of cholera, yellow fever, colds, flu, fevers, infections, and the effect of other essential oils. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 289.

Mint is both heating and cooling and can be helpful in cases of fever.

Digestive: Peppermint is one of the oldest remedies for gas, nausea, indigestion and travel sickness in the Western world.

Purchon and Cantele pg. 95 say it encourages bile production and stimulates and strengthens the liver.

You may dilute it in a carrier and rub it on the tummy clockwise or add one drop to a spoonful of honey, stir well, and drink.

Peppermint oil alleviates hyperglycemia in diabetic-induced rats. Abdellatief SA et al., Biomed Pharmacother 2017 95: 990-99.

According to Sheppard-Hanger’s research (pg. 289), it is also helpful for colic, diarrhea, food poisoning, and irritable Bowel Syndrome. Enteric-coated capsules relieve spasms and pain associated with Crohn’s, IBS, colitis, and related intestinal conditions.

The same author says it may also aid viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, as well as liver fatigue from allopathic treatments.

192905237Peppermint may also influence the flow and secretion of bile.

Menthol has been shown to help dissolve gallstones (IJA Spring 1992, Vol 4 No.1, pp. 20-25).

Genito: Peppermint cannot be dismissed in cases of menstrual cramps.

It may also be helpful for Herpes.

Mental and Nervous System: Diffuse or sniff for fainting.

Dilute and rub onto temples and neck for migraines and headaches. It works well for this purpose. I have heard people say they use it before their pain medication, as it works quickly. But, sometimes, they can avoid taking the pain medication because peppermint has already done the job.

It is helpful to increase alertness, exhaustion, vertigo, neuralgia, and shock. Peppermint and Ylang-Ylang oils were tested for cognitive performance. Peppermint improved it in a study of 144 volunteers, while ylang-ylang impaired and lengthened processing speed. Peppermint increased alertness, while other oils decreased but significantly increased calmness. Moss M et al., Int J Neuroscience 2008 118(1): 59-77.

Peppermint may be helpful to curb driver’s rage, according to Moss, M., Ho, J., Swinburne, S., & Turner, A. (2023). The aroma of the essential oil of peppermint reduces aggressive driving behaviour in healthy adults. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 38. The study indicates that using a hint of peppermint scent in cars might help reduce aggressive driving behaviours. The idea is to install scent devices in vehicles, making the drive more enjoyable and potentially leading to safer driving. Further research is needed to understand how long this effect lasts on longer journeys, how to distribute the scent, and how different people might react.

Perfumery: Minty, top-mid note; odour intensity very high.

It blends with basil, benzoin, bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, lavandin, lavender, lemon, lime, marjoram, orange, other mints, pine, rosemary, and thyme. It is a very dominating scent, so use it with care.

Mythological and Spiritual: One of the more famous Greek stories about how mint originated is that Persephone, goddess of the underworld and Hade’s wife, became jealous when he pursued the river nymph, Menthe. In a jealous rage, Persephone destroyed the nymph, making her something to be trodden upon forever. Luckily for us, the mint plant was created.

In a Druid’s Herbal, pg. 100, Evert Hopman says Mint is used as a protective herb. Could you place it on the altar for healing spells? It helps make travel easy and attracts prosperity.

More Research:

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities (2023):

This study emphasized peppermint oil’s potent antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The essential oil was effective against various pathogens, including Gram-positive bacteria, showcasing its potential for therapeutic and preservative uses in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
Mentha piperita: Essential Oil and Extracts, Their Biological Activities, and Perspectives on the Development of New Medicinal and Cosmetic Products. Molecules, 2023.

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Keep away from babies and infants under 30 months of age. It can cause reflex apnoea or laryngospasm in babies. Use only .05-1% if used in a diffuser or on the face in children aged 3-6, according to Tisserand. Never put peppermint into the noses of young children. Contact dermatitis. (Dalderup 1980). Keep away from eyes and nostrils. Please do not use it with homeopathic preparations. It may cause sleep disturbances in high doses. Do not use Peppermint on grafted tissue. Some people will have a mucous membrane sensitivity to peppermint oil.

Tisserand p. 387 Avoid in cases of cardiac fibrillation and by people with a G6PD deficiency. The oil is typically delivered with menthol cigarettes. This is an inherited enzyme deficiency. People with this deficiency will typically have abnormal blood reactions to at least one of the following drugs or will have been advised to avoid them: antimalarials, sulphonamides (antimicrobial), chloramphenicol (antibiotic), streptomycin (antibiotic), aspirin. Please do not use it orally with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Peppermint oil should not be taken orally by people with obstructed bile flow (cholestasis) Fuji et al. 1994.

Note*- Most people love the smell of “clean” peppermint oil without a musky or skunky component. Yet, to get this clear scent, the essential oil is often rectified. Shirley Price, Aromatherapy Workbook, pg. 113.  So, in getting the smell we prefer, we often lose some of the desirable properties of the essential oil.

Vapour Rub-

Class Project by Lynda Davis Hughes

¼ cup olive oil

½ cup coconut oil

¼ cup grated beeswax

20 drops of peppermint essential oil

20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Glass Jar

Pour the olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax into a jar.

Place a saucepan with 2 inches of water over medium-low heat.

Place the jar in a saucepan and allow the oils to melt. Stir to combine.

Once combined, allow to cool slightly and add in essential oils.

Pour into metal tins or storage containers and allow to set.


Rosemary Mint Shampoo-

Class  Project by Lynda Davis Hughes

6 oz. Aloe Vera Gel
3 Tbsp. Olive oil
10 Tbsp. Baking Soda
20 drops of Rosemary Oil
10 drops Peppermint Oil

Glass jar
Mix all ingredients
Store in an eight oz. glass jar


Peppermint Video- Skye Fibke (Class Project)

Peppermint Chart– by Lu Meissner- Student Project





The Song of Peppermint-
This short song was recorded from peppermint, using the music of the plant’s device to record peppermint’s actual sound. This was not made up by humans but was recorded from a peppermint plant on our deck.

Peppermint Video- Tanya Wells, Student Project

Similar to Mentha piperita.

Hair and Skin: It is antifungal and valuable for sunburn, especially sun-damaged skin. Otherwise, it is slightly less broad-spectrum than Piperita.

Same Cautions. Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Keep away from babies and infants under 30 months of age. It can cause reflex apnoea or laryngospasm in babies. Contact dermatitis. (Dalderup 1980). Keep away from eyes and nostrils. Do not use with homeopathic supplements. It may cause sleep disturbances in high doses. Please do not use it on grafted skin tissue.

Note: Formulas and Recipes are Different-

You will notice a few recipes in this course, Practical Potions One, which are called formulas in your download booklets. One of them is Minty Deva Toothpaste; another is your hand sanitizer. Formulas differ from recipes, as they are precisely measured with a scale in grams.

They often also contain preservatives and emulsifiers. Suppose you scale up and start a thriving business. You might choose to prepare even easier and more precise formulas to replicate.

Complex formulas are not the primary purpose of Introductory Practical Potions, so please don’t worry. Formulas will be focused on and explained more thoroughly in Practical Potions Advanced. But a couple of your recipes are like this now. They happen to be related to plants in this family, so there was a certain logic in placing them here. After learning more about the oils and formulation techniques in Practical Potions, Advanced, you can return and make the more advanced recipes, which we sometimes refer to as formulas.


corn-mint-aMentha arvensis var. piperescens

Known as Japanese Mint.

From: China, Japan, Brazil

Class: alcohol, ketone

3 Key Constituents: (-)-Menthol, Menthone, Isomenthone. (Kubeczka 2002); Tisserand pg. 261.

Steam distilled flowering plant.

Cornmint contains more menthol than peppermint, making it a good liniment choice. It is the source of natural menthol crystals used in salves, lipsticks, and body care products to produce a stimulating/cooling sensation. Similar overall uses to peppermint.

Cautions: Cornmint is more toxic than peppermint. It is a dermal irritant and sensitizing. Please do not use it on children under 30 months, when pregnant or breastfeeding, or internally. Could you check the cautions for peppermint?

Tisserand p. 261 Avoid in cases of cardiac fibrillation and by people with a G6PD deficiency. The oil is typically delivered with menthol cigarettes. This is an inherited enzyme deficiency. People with this deficiency will typically have abnormal blood reactions to at least one of the following drugs or will have been advised to avoid them: antimalarials, sulphonamides (antimicrobial), chloramphenicol (antibiotic), streptomycin (antibiotic), aspirin. Do not use orally with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Peppermint oil should not be taken orally by people with obstructed bile flow (cholestasis) Fuji et al. 1994.


Spearmint-aMentha spicata

From: North America, Mediterranean, Europe

Class: ketone, monoterpene

3 Key Constituents: (-)-Carbone, (+)-Limonene, (Z)-Dihydrocarvone. (Lawrence 1995g p. 200)

Steam-distilled flowering tops.

You will recognize this smell and taste from gum.

Its action is somewhat weaker than peppermint.

Favourite Use: I have created a room spray from this oil, which is the very definition of refreshing. Most students love it, although every scent has its critics.

Hair and Skin: Like peppermint, spearmint can be diluted and applied to skin conditions, such as acne, dermatitis, itching, scabs, and aids in congested skin. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 293

Respiratory: Diffuse to ease bronchitis, catarrh, and sinusitis.

Immune: Diffuse or use in a bath for colds, fevers, and flu. However, it can make one feel too chilled if one runs a cold fever. In that case, could you use ginger instead?

Muscles and Joints: Dilute and apply as a pain reliever. Treatment of chronic pain by designer cells controlled by spearmint in a mice model. Wang, H. et al. Nat Biomed Eng 2018 2(2): 114-123.

Spearmint makes a beautiful foot rub like peppermint and can invigorate aching feet.

Digestive: Hiccoughs. Dilute in a carrier oil and rub into the tummy area in a clockwise motion for colic, flatulence, and nausea. It may ease vomiting, stimulate appetite, and improve breath.

Purchon and Cantele, pg. 109, Spearmint encourages bile production and stimulates and strengthens the liver.

Genito: Dilute in a carrier oil and rub into the pelvis to relieve menstrual cramps.

Perfumery: Sweet, minty, refreshing; Odour intensity high; top note.

It blends with basil, bergamot, cinnamon, eucalyptus, grapefruit, lavandin, lavender, orange, peppermint, rosemary, and vetiver.

Mind: Spearmint is terrific for boosting mental clarity and addressing fatigue. (Nothing is as good as a nap for fatigue, however). It promotes emotional stability and letting go of distressed feelings and negative emotions. The oil helps resolve emotional stagnation, confusion or ambivalence. (Holmes 2016).

Like peppermint, dilute spearmint in a carrier oil and apply it to the neck and temples to ease migraines and strained muscles leading to headaches. Keep out of your eyes!



Cautions: Do not use with homeopathic medicine. Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Keep away from babies and infants under 30 months of age and pets. It may cause contact dermatitis. (Dalderup 1980). There is a low risk of skin sensitization. Keep away from eyes and nostrils, as spearmint irritates mucous membranes.

SPEARMINT- Student Video – Tanya Mackie

Spearmint from Laurie on Vimeo.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Remember to take the breaks you need throughout your aromatic adventure.


Rosemary- Camphor Type

RosemaryRosemary Officinalis: Tunisia, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Russia

The plant has recently changed its binomial name to Salvia rosmarinus. It is challenging to keep up with the taxonomists!

According to Sheppard- (pg. 373, Rosemary Cineole and Camphor have huge varieties but are similar and often mixed.

Cineole chemotype is mild with no cumulative toxicity. It is most stimulating and warming, while chemotype camphor is the best muscle relaxant and analgesic for pain and spasms.

The whole genera are helpful in cold, weak conditions, sluggishness, stagnation, and neuromuscular conditions.

Because of this, there will be a lot of overlap in the properties of the two chemotypes.

Class: ketone, oxide, alcohol, monoterpene.

3 Key Constituents: Camphor, 1,8-cineole, Alpha-Pinene (Formacek and Kubeczka 1982; Boelens 1985; Burrell et al. 1995; Chalchat et al. 1993)

Steam-distilled flowering tops and leaves. 50–100 kg of the plant produces 1 kilo of oil.

Favourite Use: I put 1% rosemary essential oil and 99% water into a 100 ml spray bottle. I spray this mixture on my hair and “halo.” It is stimulating for the mind and scalp.

Hair and Skin: Rosemary essential oil is effective against acne. If you dab it straight onto a blemish, it may sting but will help disinfect and dry it up.

Rosemary oil is additive and synergistic against pathogenic wound bacteria in combination with antibiotics. Sienkiewicz M et al, Burns 2017 43(2): 310-17.

Rosemary essential oil was compared with minoxidil (2%) in 100 patients with androgenetic alopecia for six months. Both showed improvement in hair count. Panahi Y et al, Skinmed 2015 13(1): 15-21.

Cantele and Purchon pg. 103 suggest it is helpful for acne, dermatitis, eczema, athlete’s foot, and scabies.

Add a drop to your shampoo for oily hair or dandruff. Dilute and spray onto the scalp to strengthen hair and, in some cases, promote hair growth.

Dilute and apply carrier oil. Massage into varicose veins, cellulite, congestion, wounds, puffiness, swelling, or edema.

Respiratory: Diffuse for infections, congestion, lung tonic, colds, asthma, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and flu. Sheppard-Hanger- pg. 373

It relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways, relieving inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Borges, R.S. et al. J Ethnopharmacol 2019 229: 29-45.

Muscles and Joints: Diluted in a carrier, try dandelion; it is excellent for rheumatism and muscle pains- especially leg cramping pain. Temporary paralysis, cramps, sprains, muscles, sciatica, arthritis, gout, and neuralgia may also respond well.

Mix with St. John’s Wort carrier for rheumatism and spinal arthritis.

Cardio: Normalizes low blood pressure, increases circulation, palpitation- Sheppard-Hanger pg. 373.

Digestive: Rub into the tummy to calm an upset stomach, colitis, and flatulence. It stimulates the liver and gallbladder.

Like many other essential oils in this family, rosemary may help alleviate headaches, especially those caused by indigestion. Dilute and rub into the shoulders, neck, and temples.

Genito: Use as a foot rub or in the bath to induce menstruation. Use in the bath or diluted as a douche for yeast or cystitis. Chemotype cineole is the best anti-fungal.

right-hemisphere-bright-aMental and Nervous System: This is where rosemary shines—it is very stimulating, good for exhaustion and migraines, clears memory, sharpens the mind, and aids speech. It is helpful to revive from fainting, fatigue, and vertigo. The oil is helpful for low self-confidence, depression, pessimism, and chronic tiredness (Holmes, 2016).

A study compared rosemary and lavender essential oils for cognitive and mood in healthy volunteers. Lavender, a sedative, weakened working memory performance and impaired reaction time. In comparison, rosemary enhanced the quality of memory and secondary memory factors. Moss M et al, Int J Neurosci 2003 113(1): 15-38.

Perfumery: Herbaceous, camphoraceous, green, top-middle note, odour intensity mid-high.

Rosemary is good at masking other odours, especially tar-like smells.

Blends with bergamot, calamus, cedar, citronella, clary sage, elemi, fir, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, hyssop, lavandin, lavender, myrtle, myrrh, niaouli, oregano, peppermint, pine, ravinstara, spruce, tea tree, and thyme.

Mythological and Spiritual: Its name means “dew of the sea.” Witchipedia, ” Christian folklore says that rosemary will grow for 33 years until it reaches Christ’s height when he died, and then it will grow no more. Rosemary’s flowers picked up their blue colour and acquired their fragrance when Mary spread her blue cloak over a rosemary bush to dry while they fled to Egypt.”

Aphrodite-aWitchipedia continues, “Rosemary is also associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love, and appears in many ancient images of Her.”

Rosemary was used to ward off evil spirits and nightmares. The wood was used to make musical instruments. Witchipedia

Rosemary branches were often woven into wreaths worn by brides at weddings, and decorated rosemary branches were presented as gifts to guests. In Wales, it was distributed to funeral guests to throw into the hole as the coffin was lowered. Witchipedia

An old saying says, “Where Rosemary flourishes, the Woman rules,” in England, it was believed that rosemary could not grow in the home garden unless the mistress was the master. Witchipedia

Rosemary is believed to attract faery and good energies. Rosemary in twigs hung over cradles prevented faeries from stealing infants. Witchipedia

A man indifferent to the fragrance of rosemary cannot give true love to a woman, and those who smell rosemary frequently will retain their youth. Witchipedia

It was an embalming herb and sacred in Egypt. It was also a sacred herb to the Greeks. Witchipedia

Cautions: It may cause allergic responses on sensitive or traumatized skin. Avoid it with high blood pressure and pregnancy. Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children. It may be neurotoxic (Tisserand, pg. 409). Avoid it with epilepsy.

Rosemary Painting and Video-
Skye Fibke- Class Project

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Transformational Tip-

Rosemary is excellent for hair and is commonly used in formulas that aid the growth of tresses. Add six drops of Rosemary officials to your current shampoo or hair conditioner. Shake well.

Rosemary- verbenone type

rosemary-oil-smudge-aRosemarinus officinalis chemotype verbenone

From: Corsica

Class: Ketone

3 Key Constituents: Camphor, Verbenone, alpha-Pinene. (Solomon et al. 1994)

Steam-distilled flowering plant or leaves.

Hair and Skin: It rejuvenates skin, mainly chronically dry, mature, and aged skin, including some wounds. It is excellent for acne and oily skin. Couperose, broken veins. Purchon and Cantele, pg. 104—It promotes skin healing through the formation of scar tissue.

Respiratory: Diffuse for most respiratory infections. Rosemary verbenone helps clear thick mucus. It is also a respiratory illness preventative.

Sheppard and Hanger mention it is suitable for middle ear infections, otitis, viral infections, bronchitis, and sinusitis, pg. 375.

Genito: Add a few drops to a douche or bath water; Rosemary verbenone is anti-infectious for leucorrhea, vaginitis, and candida. It may be misted onto a woman claiming her power in the form of menopausal hot flashes.

Mental and Nervous System: Diffuse, bathe or massage with Rosemary verbenone and enjoy its therapeutic properties on the nervous system. Of all chemotypes, verbenone regulates the HPAA and cardiovascular system the most. It helps regulate the pituitary and adrenals (both cortex and medulla) and is a circulatory and mental stimulant.

Skin Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging Effects:
A study demonstrated that Rosemary Verbenone essential oil exhibits significant anti-aging properties due to its high antioxidant activity. It combats skin aging by reducing oxidative stress and improving skin elasticity.
“Detox Your Skin With Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil.” Amy Galper. 2023.

Wound Healing and Skin Detoxification:
Rosemary Verbenone has been noted for its effective wound healing properties, helping to cleanse the skin and accelerate the recovery of minor cuts and bruises.
Full Citation: “Detox Your Skin With Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil.” Amy Galper. 2023. Same as above.

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and nursing. Please do not use it with babies or infants. Please do not use it with high blood pressure, hypersensitive liver, or hormone-dependent cancers. It can be toxic with heavy use.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Rosemary- Cineole type

Picture of Rosmarinus officinalis-type unidentified
Picture of Rosmarinus officinalis-
type unidentified

Rosmarinus officinalis cineole

From: France, Tunisia Class: Oxide

3 Key Constituents: 1,8-cineole, Camphor, alpha-Pinene; (Chalchat et al. 1993, Badou, private communication, 2003) Tisserand pg. 408

Muscles and Joints: Multiple sclerosis support- Sheppard-Hanger pg. 375

Purchon and Cantele pg 104 say Rosemary Cineole is mildly anesthetic.

Circulatory: This chemotype is best suited for pulmonary congestion and slow elimination. It helps prevent free radical damage to the cardiovascular system.

A clinical study followed 32 patients with hypotension. After exposure to rosemary essential oil, improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mental health outlook was observed. Fernandez LF et al, J Ethnopharmacology 2014 151(1): 509-16.

Respiratory: Diffuse rosemary cineole. It is a respiratory stimulant and lung decongestant. It is also used for sinusitis, flu, colds, otitis media, respiratory infections, and chills. Sheppard-Hanger.

Immune: Stimulant, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, mucous, catarrh, colds, flu, infections, staphylococcus, streptococcus, chronic fatigue, candida albicans.

Genito: Use in the bath for cystitis. It may help as a warming emmenagogue in periods delayed by cold or fright.

Mental and Nervous System: Diffuse for tiredness, frailty, and nervous system weakness. Mental stimulant and an anti-depressant. It strengthens the nervous system and psychologically restores one from apathy, detachment, coldness, and pessimism (Holmes, 2016).

Digestive: Rub onto the tummy as a digestive stimulant. It may be helpful for colitis, bloating, and gas.

Cautions: Like all rosemary, avoid it with epilepsy and high blood pressure. Avoid in cases of insomnia. Do not use if pregnant, nursing, or with infants. It may cause an allergic response to sensitive or traumatized skin. Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children.  Tisserand pg. 407

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Three herbs and me-

(Student Project by Ed Sheppard)

There goes Rosemary, the girl I adore
She turned her back and walked out the door
I want to meet with some guy named Cedric “The Cedarwood.”
And you can see why he’s so big and tall
But as you all know – even the strong must fall
That night, I stole my dads` chainsaw
I made short work of Cedric, the Cedarwood
And now I sit in my cell and cry

Rosemary hangs out with some other guy named Bruce, “the Spruce.”

Before we move on to Dalmatian Sage, we have a short video depicting the journey of sage from Marko, a Composite Croatian grower and distiller.


Seed to Bottle, The Imaginative Journey of Dalmatian Sage Essential Oil- Video

Sage Dalmatian

Salvia-off-aSalvia Officinalis

Nearly one thousand species of Salvia. The name derives from salvus, meaning healthy or to save.

From: France, Yugoslavia, Spain, Ukraine etc.

Class: Ketone, diterpenoid, oxide- Steam distilled from leaves.

3 Key Constituents: Camphor, alpha-Thujone, Borneo. (Lawrence 1998b p. 50) Good yield, one kilo of oil from 50-100 kg of fresh herb.

Favourite Use: To clear energy in a room- A drop of the essential oils of sage, cedar, and frankincense, added to a 100 ml spray bottle and diluted with water, makes a magical mist. Pay particular attention to spraying the corners, where old energy resides.

Hair and Skin: Dilute in a carrier oil, or add a drop to 50 ml of water and add to a spray bottle for oily skin, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

It may also be helpful for radiation burns. Dab onto the area for herpes, shingles, insect bites, edema, and cuts. Sage aids the formation of scar tissue. Constricts pores and regulates perspiration. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 381

Muscles and Joints: Dilute and use in massage oil for rheumatoid arthritis, painful muscles, trembling and palsy, and joint pain.

Circulation: Angina raises blood pressure, regulates circulation, arrests bleeding, and aids lymph flow. Sheppard-Hanger- pg. 381

sage-field-aImmune: Stimulant, anti-fungal, bacterial infections, colds, flu, sinusitis and a viral sore throat. Sage oil is potent against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Stojanovic-Radic Z et al., Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2016 62(9):27-33.

Digestive: Tonic stimulates the liver and gallbladder and aids in the elimination of toxins. Sage oil exhibits anti-cancer activity against squamous human cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Sertel S et al., HNO 2011 59(12): 1203-8.

Endocrine: Estrogenic, regulates the menstrual cycle. Decreases lactation and alleviates menopausal problems.

Mental and Nervous System: Viral meningitis eases depression, mental strain, and exhaustion. Tremors, vertigo. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 381.

Sage oil is for the individual burdened with feeling unmotivated, discouraged, and depressed as if life is going nowhere. Without fail, it will encourage honesty, including righteous anger and grief, supporting emotions from a deep, authentic wellspring in self. (Holmes 2016:401).

Purchon and Cantele (pg. 106) say that sage has been studied for its benefit in Alzheimer’s disease and has been found effective in mild-moderate dementia. It may also reduce agitation in Alzheimer’s patients. Never ingest sage essential oil. It has to be used carefully. Do not put more than one drop in two 10 ml carriers.

Perfumery: Herbaceous, top-mid note; odour intensity very high.

Blends with bay, bergamot, citrus, geranium, ginger, hyssop, lavandin,  lavender, melissa, myrtle, niaouli, orange, rosemary, and rosewood.

Mythical and Spiritual: Sage is associated with clearing negative energy and misfortune from a room. Indigenous Healers have used it as a smudge.

Evert Hopman, in A Druid’s Herbal, pg. 144 says, “It drives away disturbances and tensions and lifts the spirit above the mundane cares in life.” She suggests using it in a ritual bath or carrying the plant.

sage-1-aMysterious Croatia says, “Sage is the Queen of Medicinal Herbs.” Sage’s name means healing or saving, like a salve or balm.

Sage is sacred to Zeus and the Virgin Mary. Witchipedia says if you sleep with it under your pillow for three nights and make a wish, it will come true.

Cautions: Avoid Sage during pregnancy with babies and children and while breastfeeding. Even when diffused, it may cause uterine spasms and flavour the milk. Avoid when prone to migraines, epilepsy, seizures or convulsions. Please do not use it internally. Potentially neurotoxic use in small quantities. It contains thujone and oils distilled in early summer, which are more moderate in content. Keep away from pets.

Sage may be mildly sensitizing to the skin. It is a restorative, warming, and drying stimulant contraindicated in hot, dry conditions, including fever, hypertension, hyperadrenal, and hyperthyroidism.


Michelle Lund, Student Project

Sage Spanish

sage_spanish_salvia_lavdndulifoliaSalvia lavendulafolia

An evergreen shrub with narrower leaves than Salvia officinalis. It has a slight lavender scent.

From: Spain (Native to the mountains of Spain, it also grows in southwest France and Croatia.)

Class: Alcohol, oxide

Key constituents: linalool (28%), 1,8-Cineole (10-32%), Camphor, alpha-terpinyl acetate. (Cordoba Rodriguez, cited in Lawrence 1993 p 84-86).

Steam-distilled flowering plant and leaves.

Hair and Skin: Hair loss, acne, cuts, eczema, dermatitis, dandruff.

Respiratory: Asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, chills, coughs, laryngitis.

Sheppard-Hanger pg. 383

Circulation: Add to a bath or massage oil to decrease fluid retention. It may improve circulation. It is a cerebral and arterial stimulant, a mucolytic expectorant, and a digestive and uterine stimulant.

Immune: Diffuse for colds, fevers, and flu. Use just a small amount of sage, diluted in other essential oils, for diffusion, as the scent and properties of sage are overpowering on their own.

Muscles and Joints: Dilute and make a massage blend for arthritis. It aids circulation and brings relief to arthritic conditions.

Genito: Induces menstruation, painful and difficult periods and fluid retention.

Mental and Nervous System: Headaches, stress, nervous exhaustion. Psychologically,… as an emotional balancer for irritability, mood swings, and distress. (Holmes 2016).

Purchon and Cantele pg. 106- Spanish sage is considered a general nerve tonic and can be used as an inhaler for headaches, fatigue, nervous exhaustion and general stress. This species prevents and treats Alzheimer’s disease (Mills & Bone, 2000).

Perfumery: Top-mid note; Odor intensity high.

Blends with clary, cypress, geranium, lavender and rosemary, pg. 106, Purchon and Cantele.

Cautions: Do not use with epilepsy. Please do not take it internally. Tisserand, pg. 415—Abortifacient. It is contraindicated for use with children, during pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Avoid it with pets. Use it in moderation; it is less toxic than Salvia officinalis.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?

Clary Sage

Clary-sage-aSalvia sclarea

From: China, Indonesia, USA, Russia

Class: esters

3 Key Constituents: Linalyl acetate (49-80%), Linalool (8-28%), Germacrene D. (Lawrence 1993 p. 106-108)

Steam distilled from flowering tops and leaves. There are around 250 constituents in Clary Sage, making it one of the most complex essential oils. Some clary sage oils are produced from slightly fermented leaves, resulting in a richer, more vegetable-like odour profile (Burfield 2000).

Favourite Use: I like to add a few drops to my bath water and stir well. Clary’s effects are relaxing and balancing. Its aroma is rich and enticing. Its impact on the skin is softening. These properties create a lovely soak.

So, as you know, the way women perceive the scent of Clary seems to vary throughout their menstrual cycle. The scent may strike you differently each time you smell it. So, keep trying if you don’t like it the first time.

I have seen a classroom of students whose periods synchronized and came on early when a group smelled essential oils. Clary sage seems particularly powerful this way.

Hair and Skin: Apply to acne and boils. It is also suitable for mature, dry skin.

Add it to shampoo to help with oily hair, dandruff, and hair loss.

Clary has deodorant properties and may decrease sweating.

Clary is a cellular regenerator, like lavender, and is helpful for various skin conditions, including inflammation, puffiness, oiliness, wrinkles, and fungal infections.

The oil shows additive and synergistic effects against pathogenic wound bacteria in combination with antibiotics. Sienkiewicz M et al, Burns 2017 43(2): 310-17.

Respiratory: Diffuse it to aid in treating asthma, throat infections, and whooping cough. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 385.

Muscles and Joints: Add to a massage blend for muscle aches, pains, spasms, and cramps.

Circulation: Hemorrhoids lower blood pressure and aid arterial circulation. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 385. It helps relieve varicose veins.

Genito: Clary sage may help balance hormones and have an estrogen-type effect. It may bring on delayed or scanty periods and menstrual cramping. Clary Sage is excellent for damp, congestive conditions of the pelvic and lower limbs.

It may influence pituitary action, including inhibition of prolactin associated with breast milk production.

It may induce menstruation. Helps with labor. Wait to use until labour has begun.

PMS, postnatal depression, strengthens kidneys and increases mucous secretion in urogenital organs. Genital infections are connected with hormones. Peri-menopause. Sheppard-Hanger pg. 385.

A study on 11 pregnant women (38-40 weeks) found that inhaling clary sage essential oil (50-fold dilution) changed salivary oxytocin in three and was unmeasurable in two. Uterine contractions were not observed in the clary or control group. Cortisol levels decreased in both groups post-inhalation. Tadokoro Y et al, BMC Res Notes 2017 10(1): 717.

Mental and Nervous System: Clary is helpful in mild cases of depression, migraine, anxiety, tension, fatigue, and stress. Cantele and Purchon pg. 50 say Clary can alleviate hysteria and paranoia. Holmes (2016) notes the benefits of hypomania, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, ADHD, phobia and PTSD. It helps in cases of irritability, emotional confusion and distress associated with weakness and lack of centre.

Sheppard-Hanger pg. 385. Clary is mildly intoxicating and euphoric. It is said to repress epileptic attacks.

Purchon and Cantele, pg. 50. A study conducted in Greece found that two of Clary’s components induced death in leukemia cells. Other studies show that Clary sage components effectively reduce breast cancer cell lines.

Perfumery: Middle-base note, Odor intensity mid; Musky, fruity, hay-like, narcotic, complex.

Blends with bergamot, cardamom, cedarwood, coriander, juniper, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper, labdanum, lavender, lime, pine, sandalwood, and vetiver.


Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties

A comprehensive study examined the chemical composition of Salvia sclarea essential oil, emphasizing its significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The findings suggest that Salvia sclarea essential oil could be a promising candidate for natural preservatives in food and pharmaceutical industries due to its ability to inhibit the growth of various pathogens. For further details, refer to the “Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Essential Oil from Salvia sclarea Plants Regenerated in vitro” study in Molecules, 2023.

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy, endometriosis, breast and ovarian cysts and other estrogen excess problems. Please do not use it while drinking alcohol, as it can exaggerate the effect. There can be moderate skin sensitization in some individuals.

Could you record your impression of this oil in your Journal?


Annora Proudfoot’s Song-
I Can See Clary Now

Clary- Annora Proudfoot from Laurie on Vimeo.


thyme-2-aThymus vulgaris: Thymol CT

Often called the “Thymol chemotype”.

From: Most places in the world

Class: Phenol, Alcohol

3 Key Constituents: Thymol, p-Cymene, Carvacrol (Lawrence, 1995c. p 67, 1998a p. 42-46)

Steam distilled from leaves and flowers. Water-stressed plants yield up to 66% increase in essential oil yield in hydro-distillation. Hassan, H.M. et al. Natural Products Research 2019 33(18): 2714-17.

There are about 400 species of Thyme. They present many classification problems to botanists.

There is much overlap between the types, and we will go into detail mainly for Thymus vulgaris.

Favourite Use: As an anti-fungal foot spray, like oregano, I use it on the soles of my feet if I feel a cold or flu coming on.

Cosmetic: Thyme is very anti-infectious and is effective on acne. Before you apply it, dilute it with water, witch hazel, or a carrier. Never use it undiluted on facial skin, as it can burn.

It can be used diluted to aid skin infections and dermatitis.

Respiratory: Thyme can be diffused, but only if diluted in essential oil, such as monarda, or a drop added to a water-based diffuser. It may be healing for sinusitis, rhinitis, flu, bronchitis, viral pneumonia, lung congestion, and whooping cough. Sheppard-Hanger pg. Add Ravensara and Euc. polybractea for this purpose.

Mix a drop into half a cup of salt water and gargle for tonsillitis and laryngitis. Do this a few times a day for best results.

Muscles and Joints: Add a few drops to carrier oil, such as dandelion, to massage on to help with stiffness, arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica, and rheumatism.

Cardio: In a massage, thyme will activate circulation and warm the body.

Immune: Folklore says thyme is helpful for most infectious diseases. It may be anti-viral, penetrating, anti-infectious against chlamydia. Inhibits E. coli. Herpes simplex or H. zoster. Sheppard–Hanger pg. 411

Digestion: Mix into a carrier and rub onto the tummy to slow digestion and stimulate the liver. It may kill roundworms and candida yeast.

Thymus citriodorus is cytotoxic to liver cancer cells. Wu S et al., Zhong Yao Cai 2013 36(5): 756-9.

Genito: Stimulates hormones. Adding this to bath water may aid cystitis and vaginitis, but be very careful, as it is aggressive.

Mental and Nervous System: A little sniff might help with exhaustion, stress, fatigue, and anxiety.

Perfumery: Odour intensity is very high; top note. Medicinal, herbaceous.

Masks a tar-like scent. Carefully place a drop in the washing machine on something that does not stain. Purchon and Cantele.

In small quantities with bergamot, balsam of Peru, cedar, chamomile, juniper, lavandin, lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram, melissa, petitgrain, pine, and rosemary. I have used it in a tiny amount with some florals to ground them. But, if you use too much, you ruin the blend.

golden-elf-bMythology and Spirituality: Thyme is said to have formed from the teardrops of Helen of Troy. It’s been used to honour gods and clean sacred spaces. Thyme was used in baths to help soldiers find courage. It was used in coffins in Europe to ensure entrance to another world. Thyme has also been used in Egypt as part of the embalming formula. It is used in New Year’s ceremonies to ensure the old is left behind and new energy is brought forth.
The faeries and elves love thyme. Evert Hopman, In a Druid’s Herbal, pg. 162, says, “It helps one see otherworldly entities such as fairies. A place where thyme grows will be a particularly powerful center on the earth.” She also says it is used to speak to the deceased.

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding and with babies, children and pets. Do not use more than 2% dilutions on skin irritating—mucous membrane irritant. Please do not take it internally.

Tisserand pg. 453-May inhibit blood clotting; low risk of skin irritation; moderate risk of mucous membrane irritation. Orally, there may be interactions with anticoagulant medication, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. Maximum dermal use level 1.3%

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Thymus vulgaris chemotype Geraniol or Linalool

A mild, more delicate smell. Lower yield, pricier product.

3 Key Constituents: Geranyl acetate, geraniol, linalool. (Badou, 2003) Tisserand pg. 449.

Thyme chemotype geraniol (60-80%) can be used interchangeably with chemotype linalool and as a restorative of cardiac function.

Cosmetic: Thyme linalool is lovely for the skin. It is not as aggressive as thyme vulgaris, and I am much more comfortable using it for acne, dry and weeping eczema and psoriasis.

Respiratory: Thymus geraniol or linalool, used in a diffuser, may be helpful for bronchitis, sinusitis, and bronchial spasms.

Genito: Use in the bath, a drop in water for a douche for vaginitis, urinary tract infections, and cystitis.

Muscles and Joints: Dilute and apply for rheumatism,

Immune: Add one to a carrier oil like mullein, olive, or olive/garlic oil and drop into the ear for an earache. It may be helpful to rebuild when people are prone to repeated viral attacks.

Mental and Nervous System: Fatigue, insomnia, sexual tonic (Linalool type). This chemotype is helpful for long-term management of weak, atonic conditions involving the nervous, immune, respiratory and intestinal systems. For respiratory conditions such as bronchial asthma, it shares similarities to Hyssop but without epileptic contraindications. Tea tree oil helps in chronic inflammation, including fungal infections like palmarosa (Holmes 2016).

Perfumery: Herbal, slightly medicinal. Top-mid note: high odour intensity.

Blends with geranium, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, marjoram, rosemary, and rosewood.


Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer Properties

Research in Food & Function (2021) and ScienceDirect (2023) explored thyme oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer potential. These studies demonstrated that thyme oil can effectively inhibit inflammation and certain cancer cell lines, showcasing its therapeutic potential beyond traditional uses. Thyme oil’s ability to modulate inflammatory pathways and induce apoptosis in cancer cells underlines its versatility in treating chronic inflammation and potentially cancer​ (Royal Society of Chemistry)​​ (MDPI).

Linalool Chemotype: Antimicrobial and Sedative Properties

Linalool, another major chemotype of Thymus vulgaris, is noted for its potent antimicrobial properties against various pathogens. Additionally, linalool possesses sedative properties that can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. A comprehensive review in Food & Function (2021) highlighted linalool’s broad bioactivities, including its antimicrobial, neuroprotective, anxiolytic, and anti-stress effects. These properties make linalool-rich thyme essential oil beneficial for managing stress-related conditions and improving overall well-being​ (Royal Society of Chemistry)​​ (MDPI).

Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy. Diluted, it is gentle enough for children over three and for skincare. Please do not use it internally. Tisserand pg. 449 Drug interactions oral. Cholestasis (obstructed bile flow). Drugs metabolized by CYP2B6

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Picture of Icelandic Creeping Thyme
Picture of Icelandic Creeping Thyme


Thymus vulgaris, thujanol chemotype

Class: monoterpenes, terpenes

3 Key Constituents: (E)-4-Thujanol, (Z)-4-Thujanol, Myrcenol- Tisserand pg. 452 quoted from Badoux).

Must be cloned- propagated non-sexually. This makes it a rare plant.

Thyme comes from the Greek word- meaning to fumigate.

Immune: Flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, diabetes. Useful for viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory system.

Genito: Cystitis, vaginitis, salpingitis, condyloma, urethritis, chlamydia. Anti-bacterial and circulatory stimulant.

Mental and Nervous System: Balancing to the central nervous system.


Anti-inflammatory Properties:
The thujanol chemotype of Thymus vulgaris has shown significant effects in modulating immune responses, mainly by affecting cytokine secretions in microglia cells (the brain’s immune cells). This suggests potential benefits for managing neuroinflammatory conditions and other inflammatory states​

Cautions: Avoid it during pregnancy, breastfeeding and with babies and pets. Please do not use it internally.

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Picture of Wild thyme
Picture of Wild Thyme

Thyme Cineole Type / Spanish Marjoram

Thymus_mastichina_2-aThymus mastichina

From: Spain

Class: oxide, alcohols

3 Key Constituents: 1,8 Cineole, Camphor, alpha-Pinene (Miguel et al. 2003a)

Steam distilled from the flowering plant. It is not a sedative or muscle relaxant like sweet marjoram.

Respiratory: Antiseptic for upper respiratory infection, asthma, colds, sinus, bronchitis, whooping cough. Since it will be too strong, you can diffuse this oil, but please add it to a water-based diffuser or essential oil, such as Monarda.

Immune: Colds, flu, infections.

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities:
Thymus mastichina essential oil is notable for its antimicrobial properties against various pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. Its main components, 1,8-cineole and linalool, contribute to these effects. The oil also displays strong antioxidant capabilities, which are significant for its potential use in preserving food and enhancing shelf life​ (MDPI)​.

Anti-inflammatory and Anticancer Potential: Research suggests that the oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial in treating inflammatory diseases. There is also preliminary evidence indicating potential anticancer activities, though these findings are in the early stages and require further investigation​ (MDPI).

Please be aware that you should not use sensitive skin. Please do not use it when pregnant, breastfeeding or with young children or pets. Tisserand (pg.346) says it can cause breathing problems and problems in young children’s central nervous system. Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children. No internal use.

The Story of Thyme- Class Project by Lu Meissner

The Story of Thyme

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