Goddess Mythology
Introduction to Goddess Mythology
Jenna Recaps Why Goddess Mythology May Intrigue You
Hera-Queen of the Gods and Goddesses
Artemis Gets Back Women’s Right to Vote in North America
Hestia’s Flame
Aphrodite’s Birth
Aphrodite Integrating the Masculine
Hekate Is Declared A Witch- The Burning Times Begin
You will have two assignments.
a)The first is to go through the videos and decide which of the 8 Greek Goddesses are closest to Your Soul Type and which of them is currently visiting. Why. Write this in facebook page to start a discussion.
b) The second assignment can be found in downloads below and will involve student presentations for our June Class. The day will consist of students each embodying a goddess of their choice and presenting her in class. If you do not come to class you can make us a video to be seen the day of the presentations.
Further Resources:
The Burning Times Documentary- Canadian Film Board
The Language of The Goddess– Marija Gimbutas; Harper & Row
Healing the Goddess Wound– Laurie Szott-Rogers
The Healing Goddess Workbook- Laurie Szott-Rogers
The Healing Goddess Oracle (Cards) These products are all available at amazon.com or our site, in our book boutique, where you can use your code to receive 20% off- https://selfhealdistributing.com/books/
Downloads-Course Notes:
In Class Goddess Assignments