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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

G. Project Assignment-Students Honour 3 Plant Devas

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Please take a moment to listen to your animated instructor explain this segment. You may work at the Ship’s Library, the Enchanted Atrium and Garden, or your quarters. Get comfortable and put on your brainstorming hat.

Aromatherapy Assignment One

studentInstead of taking an exam, participation in this assignment is required.


Due before completing
the course.

You will be asked to do three presentations in a format you can share online with other students. An mp4 video of songs, skits, puppet shows and poetry are some ways students have paid tribute to the plant devas. If you send a written project, such as poetry or art, please ensure it is also in a usable format. We need something shareable with other students in the e-course.

Presentations often run about 5 minutes each for 15-20 minutes per individual presenter. You can use various techniques to show what you know about the essential oils.

Try different presentation methods on different oils. For example, if you are doing Lamiaceae, you may write a poem for Lavender, present a skit for Marjoram, and demonstrate how Rosemary is used for skin care. Or try a song for Sage, a drawing for Thyme and a shareable recipe for Spike Lavender. Anything creative that illuminates other students about your oils of choice goes! Use your imagination and have fun.

shutterstock_123962365-aChoose the three most important or appealing oils in your essential oil family. Which plant devas do you wish to represent? Why is this oil important? How is it used? What are its main qualities? What distinguishes it from other oils in its family? What are the cautions? How do you feel about it? How do you, or might you?

There are examples of student presentations in this course. In the Compositae section- under Yarrow, you may listen to Sonya’s song. In the Lamiaceae family, Annora sings three different songs.

In the Burseraceae family, you may see Courtney’s Intuitive Games.

The purpose of each activity is to deepen and enrich knowledge of a topic for classmates and self. Present aspects of the essential oils that reinforce memory about their important properties or present new information to your classmates.











Send your completed project to Laurie at

Here are Your Deep Dives and Transformations; The Summary Video for Unit 4– Please Press Play

Please have a look at the Accompanying Journal in downloads for more detailed instructions on your homework.


Honouring the Devas

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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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