Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

E. Messages from Water

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 


Water is a universal solvent, cleanser. It can dissolve what it comes into contact with. This is one of the ways it collects information, from what it contacts and deposits elsewhere.

Some scientists say water has a memory and that it can transmit the vibration of what it contacts. This is the basis of homeopathy, where water is the carrier of substance, even though there is no chemical evidence of that substance.

The Principle of Resonance
Each molecule has its own vibration. When these molecules vibrate in harmony, the body is healthy. When they are not in harmony, there is dis-ease. The flower essence restores harmonic vibration.

There are many types of water, from distilled, to reverse osmosis. Pure spring water is considered the best for flower essences.

The Role of Movement- Water renews and cleanses itself through the flow. Indeed, all life depends on movement and rhythm.
Two ways to restore life and movement to water: shake the bottle before using (tap method).
Move your hand or the bottle in figure 8 to help create a vortex, which energizes the water.

Dr. Emoto and Water-

If you can watch or rewatch the movie- What the Bleep Do We Know? Enjoy the movie as you review the importance of treating water and ourselves well.

Dr. Emoto and Water– YouTube

A Meditation On Water

The Movie, What the Bleep Do We Know, is a great way to explore water and energy medicine.  Try to find a copy to watch. You can try this link. This is long and convoluted, but fascinating. Make some popcorn, first.


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