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E. How do F.E’s Differ from Aromatherapy and Homeopathy? Online

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

How Are Flower Essences Different than Aromatherapy, Herbology and Homeopathy?

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How Are Flower Essences Different Than Essential Oils

Essential oils are steam distilled or cold-pressed from plants. They contain concentrated amounts of plant oil. Sometimes up to a pound of the plant. We use them for physical and cosmetic use, and they have properties that affect our emotional and mental states. Essential oils have a powerful scent and colour and maybe toxic if taken internally.



We make flower Essences by sun infusion. Flower essences, unlike essential oils, are extremely dilute making them safe to take internally. Flower essences have almost no scent – except for the brandy that we preserve them in. Flower essences are used to address emotional and soul states by bringing the flower’s vibrational frequency into the body. Whereas aromatherapy addresses the physical, emotional and mental fields, flower essences address the mental, emotional and soul levels of the client.

How Are Flower Essences Different Than Homeopathy?

Both flower essence therapy and homeopathy use very dilute substances to bring about change in a vibrational manner.
Homeopathy is governed by the law of similars- where dilute amounts of a similar substance are used to evoke a response in a similar condition. For example Pulsatilla the windflower which is a flower reactive to weather and climatic conditions is used on a personality type or condition where the client has moody and reactive symptoms. Homeopathy is mainly used for physical conditions.
Flower essences are based on the law of opposites where we would address gloom by bringing in more optimism. The therapy addresses emotional and soul issues- which may then affect the physical body, if the emotion has contributed to the decline of wellness.
It is also unnecessary to dilute the essences to degrees of potency as is done in homeopathy. Thus in flower essence therapy, we dilute from the mother essence to the stock essence, to the dosage bottle. In homeopathy, depending on how physical the illness is thought to be, the dilution is done in a precise and measured way. I.e. 6X in homeopathy means it is quite low dilution made for physical complaints, whereas a 100 X thought to be more potent, as it gets more dilute it is meant to work on a deeper more emotional level.
Homeopathic’s main aim is to cure the physical. Flower essence’s main objective is to work on the emotional and soul levels.
They derive homeopathic substances from animal, plant, mineral etc. Flower essences are got from plant matter- Rock Water, made from streams is the exception with the Californian and Bach Essences.
Ammonite is the exception with the Prairie Deva Essences.




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