“Since you’re here Joey, it is time for a wish.”
“What’s the wish our connection is cooking up today, Gini?” inquires Joey.
A small pile of gold, lands in front of Gini’s feet.
“Oh, that is a timely treasure,” Joey squeaks.
“Trua was mentioning we had a lot of bills to pay. This will take care of it,” giggles Gini.
“I am sure all of our students will enjoy exploring this wish. Who is interested in increasing their abundance?” Gini asks the class. Everyone raises their hand.
Genie Lesson # 55
Call in Abundance
“A widespread wish is to have money and abundance,” says Gini. Here are a few expert tips on how to work with wealth.”
Balanced Giving-
Genie’s love to give. Sharing and gifting people can be lifesaving if done for the right reasons. Money will not buy love and can increase dependency. Don’t give for those reasons. Also, don’t give to win approval or buy forgiveness. Your love and attention are in themselves worthy.
Genie’s are sensitive to other’s pain, help as you can. Generosity is admirable and meant to be shared, but do not create problems accumulating debt due to out of control spending or giving.
Believe You are Worthy of Happiness–
John D. Moore in How to Attract Wealth Instantly writes it is important to let go of guilt and shame associated with the past. It is also useful to let go of negative ideas about money being evil and instead create a new script about money being a friend.
Focus on what you Have-
Zooming in on what you don’t have creates a negative spiral, which repels happiness. Happiness cannot live without appreciation or gratitude. Loving what you have creates joy and may attract even more abundance.
Get out of the Cycle of Feeling Helpless–
Instead of feeling like a victim with abundance, think of what you can do to attract and keep money flowing. Words like can’t, according to Moore, are just excuses.
Genies, as magical beings, have many talents, most of which they take for granted. Ensure you determine what your gifts are. You may have untapped ways of efficiently generating more wealth, either through a part-time, or full- time position. Add to your income by developing these innate gifts.
Get Rid of Jealousy –
Moore says, “Jealousy is a liar, projecting a false narrative that is seldom grounded in truth.” Just because someone is driving an expensive car does not mean they have money or are free of debt. Get rid of old ideas about others having more or having it more comfortable. We never know their real story, so what we do is create illusions.
Love Money –
Learn to love, respect and have a great relationship with money. Morgana Raye, in her very entertaining book, Financial Alchemy talks about treating money like a lover. She suggests creating an image of what your money lover is like. Court it, speak to it frequently and consult it for advice. The healthier and more sensual your relationship to your money lover is the juicier your financial situation.
Learn About Your Money Monster–
Morgana Rae also advises people to learn about their money monster. This is a polarity created around money, lover vs monster. The monster side is comprised of poor attitudes developed from childhood that feed the idea that money is evil. Know this piece of yourself and dialogue with it using the Voice Dialogue technique previously discussed. If you understand the old ways you sabotage yourself financially, you will have more traction around creating new money patterns that serve you now.
Study Wealth-
Moore says, don’t just make money wishes, but learn about money. People who know about money use budgeting and techniques to save and grow their fortunes. They make their money work for them. Find a trustworthy money advisor, ensure their reputation is solid and ask for advice.
Money Questions to Journal
Try Morgana Rae’s suggestion and create an image of a money-lover in your life? What would this person who advises you about money look like, feel like and tell you about your financial situation?
Morgana Rae suggests developing an image of your money monster. What or who does your old, money monster talk like and say?
How can you get your money to work for you?