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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

D. The Interview Template-Practically Magic-Good Questions Deliver Clear Responses

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

Questions or Comments?

Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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You can work on this assignment in a casual setting at the Ship’s Galley– go down to Deck 3 using the aft stairwell. The Galley is straight ahead, past the Healing Bay and Aphrodite’s Beauty Salon.

After reviewing the interview template, please keep a copy on your computer to have it handy. Please be sure to modify it to suit your needs exactly.

Download your Practical Potion Journal for exercises that include interviewing people.

The Aromatic Intake Form Template

An intake template is a great way to keep relevant and personal information on your clients. It provides contact information and crucial medical information that may impact how you create blends, such as allergies, skin sensitivities, epilepsy, pregnancy, and asthma.

Create a form to collect data that is important to the type of treatments you do. Modify it to ensure it is helpful for your needs.

Client Background Information

Phone Number
Emergency Number
Date of Birth

Medical History

Please indicate if you are/you have:
Epileptic – If yes, are you taking medication?
Asthmatic – Please indicate the severity & circumstances.
Allergies or sensitivities – (especially skin and respiratory)
Other skin disorders or infections.
HIV or Aids.
Cancer (or family history of hormone-sensitive cancers) breast, uterine, ovarian, prostate.
Endocrine: Thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thymus.
Cardio & Heart health- blood pressure, cholesterol, strokes, irregular rhythms etc.
Bowel, stomach, gallbladder, digestive system.
Are or have you ever been under psychiatric care?
Are you currently on any drugs for depression or anxiety?
Any other relevant medical history.


Family composition-
Food patterns. How often do you eat each day?
What type of foods do you eat, and do you eat in a calm environment?
Sleep Cycle-

Stress Level

Do you have supportive relationships in your life?
In what area of your life are you most satisfied?
What area of your life is currently being reviewed?


Reason for Appointment:

I___________________________________________________________ understand __________________________ is an aromatherapy student, not a medical doctor. I know she may make suggestions but is not diagnosing. I also understand that I am not obligated to implement her recommendations.

I also understand essential oils are potent plant substances. They must not be used internally. Never leave the oil in places accessible to small children or pets. Please don’t apply it to your skin undiluted. Use with extreme caution in cases of epilepsy, asthma, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Except where your therapist indicates, essential oils are not recommended for babies, infants, or pets. To test for allergic reactions, apply a small amount of undiluted oil to the underside of your arm.




A copy of this template and your homework for this section is in your Practical Potions Journal, located at the bottom of this page. Scroll down and find downloads.

Try interviewing three people. Revise and rewrite the template to suit you. Keep doing this until you get a suitable document. Post your version in the forum if you like so that we can look at it and you can discuss it with other students and practitioners. Please tell us what you think is important in a question. How do you encourage clients to give you honest answers? Where will you keep the filing system you develop for clients? How will you keep their data private and secure?


Interview Template

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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Northern Star Courses

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