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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

D. The Inner Critic

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Genie Lesson # 46   

Know Your Inner Critic

The inner critic shows up in many self-awareness models. It tends to be a dominant and persistent voice in most people’s psyches. The Inner Critic can be a dream killer and a wish murderer, so keep your eye on it!

It is very easy for the Inner Critic or Loyal Soldier, to cast doubt into what one is doing and usurp pleasure, confidence, and clarity. The inner critic usually wants to keep you safe, underneath all of its negativity. It can do a lot of damage if it is off track or is given too broad a scope.

With the Voice Dialogue technique, Schwarz says the Inner Critic may sound like the voice of a parent, or teacher. It might use words like, “should,” “must,” “have to.”  It will compare you to others and may try belittling. When you run into it, find out its viewpoint. See if it has any tips that are useful to you, such as how to keep safe. Then let it know it is heard. You may choose to adapt to the part of its message that makes sense. Be sure to politely, but firmly dismiss your inner critic after you have discerned its message without succumbing to its negativity.

Be mindful; use a sense of humour and perspective to move forward. But, recognize this very human mischief-maker. The Inner Critic will take your wish and destroy it before it even has a chance to manifest, (if left unchecked).  Keep an eye on when, where, and why your Inner Critic pops up. Sometimes dreams will indicate what your critic is up to. When I was a young woman, I dated a man who was a “music critic.” He shows up in my dreams when my inner critic is active. It is an excellent way to keep tabs on this limiting, piece of myself. If you are mindful, curious and observant, you will find ways to understand and minimize this persistent inner part.

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