The Goal-Oriented Interview – Part 1
When conducting goal-based interviews keep your eye on the client’s background somewhat to find root issues and polarities. You do not have to focus on background much other than that, as the goal brought in by your client is your major focus in this type of interview.
Video 1- Goals
As mentioned previously, keep the goal to one simple statement. Ensure it is clear, measurable, stated in the present tense, and in a positive fashion.
If the client does not have a clear goal in mind proceed through the interview point-by-point, guided by the Client Background Sheet. (This would no longer be a goal-oriented interview.)
Your client will benefit from a specific goal.
We have talked about goals previously.
It is important to understand how to write a good goal statement, as it is the framework on which most of your interviews and write-ups rely upon.
The goal statement provides the focus for selecting remedies. If you are off on the goal the interview and subsequent remedies do not hit the mark.
The goal directs your choice of essences.
Also, the goal provides the measuring point of success in therapy. But interestingly once the client’s pain leaves or subsides, often so does the memory or pain, and sometimes the reason why it was alleviated. Reviewing the initial goal ensures the sessions keep on track.
Sometimes clients come with clear goals, this is not the typical case.
Goals may be unrealistic. “I want flower remedies to make me thin and rich.”
Sometimes there are too many goals listed. Sometimes goals are convoluted.
Usually, they are peripheral, wanting a symptom alleviated, without being clear of what is really causing the deep-rooted pain.
State the Client’s Goal–
Video 2 – Cindy
If there are lots of goals, prioritize them. Select one main goal to work on.
Clarify the Goal–
A goal may often be stated in terms of what is causing pain.
“My boyfriend is fine, but I am unhappy”.
Here are some ways to proceed with goal clarification.
What is it you are unhappy with?
How does your unhappiness manifest?
What do you dislike about the relationship?
I don’t like my job.
What do you dislike about it?
Have you considered leaving?
What stops you?
Further Goal Definition–
What if the goal is too broad?
“I want to be happy.” A broad or fuzzy goal will require more probing. In this case, probe to understand what the definition of “happy” means to the client.
Can you tell me what this means to you- (happiness)?
“That I am not anxious all the time and that I sleep and smile”.
What is stopping you from being happy?
(What is causing anxiety, interfering with your sleep, and preventing you from feeling like smiling?)
“I have a constant dread that bad things will happen to the people I love.”
When was the last time you were happy? What interfered with that?
“When I was on holiday and didn’t have day-to-day pressures. More contact with my family.”
“The end of the holiday brought the feeling to an end. I no longer feel free.”
Is there a way of getting that feeling of freedom back to your everyday life? Is there a way to have more boundaries with your family?
“For freedom, I could give myself an hour a day to get out of the house and instead of doing mundane activities, I could do something I have chosen, or just have free time to roam”.
“Regarding boundaries- I could screen my calls and decide when I call them back. I could limit the calls to 2 a day for no more than 15 minutes. I could take a walk afterward to shake off the energy”.
Re-stated goals-
I chose to take an hour a day where I get out of the house and do something I love.
I chose to limit my family calls to 2 per day and if they are difficult to take a walk and shake off the energy, before moving on with my day?
It is not unusual during an interview for clients to totally change their minds about goals.
Cindy-Video 3 Goals
At the end of the interview present the client with a summary of the main themes. Get the client’s feedback and use it as the basis to set goals.
Turn negative goals into positive goals.
Negative- I hate my weight. Positive- I accept and love my body as it is.
Negative- I procrastinate on everything. Positive- I move ahead in a rhythm that feels good and moves my projects forward, tangibly.
A Goal-Based Interview Template-
Use this interview-style when the client has a clear or specific goal in mind for working with flower essences.
Goal-Based Interview Video 4
Examples: I want to use flower essences to address my fear of public speaking.
There are several parts to the interview–
• A brief introduction
• Statement of the goal
• Goal clarification
• Further probing and follow-up
• Closure.
Goal Statement–
What goal brings you here today?
“I want to use flower essences to address my fear of public speaking.
Goal Clarification–
Have the client elaborate on the goal, to provide a more complete understanding of what the client would like to achieve. You can lead with questions such as:
Tell me more about that.
In what type of situations does this fear show up?
How does this fear show itself(e.g., upset stomach, hands shake, etc.)
How long have you had this fear?
When did it first show up (probe for very specific details, e.g. age, situation, the reaction of other people)?
Why is this important to you now?
What kind of public speaking are you called to do?
What other things are you afraid of?
If you accomplish this goal, what change will it make to your life?
Re-state the goal or summarize the findings so far, depending upon what is appropriate. Check for agreement with the mock client. Clarify the goal.
Further Probing and Follow-up
Lead from the responses received, to gather other pertinent details. For example, if this fear began in early childhood-the circumstances that triggered it could be other people’s reactions, parental expectations, client’s expectations.
This could lead to a discussion of parental and family relationships, for example. If there are other things the client is afraid of: there may be a more generalized fear than just fear of public speaking. Do the fears seem to be all of a kind ( e.g. very specific fears, or vague general fears)?
Summarize the key themes, etc. to see if the client agrees with your analysis.
State the goal again and ask the client ifs/he has anything to add.
Frame the goal so it is specific and positive.
Example: I want to be a confident public speaker.
If time permits, review the Invariant Practice and the Consent Form with the client.
The Goal-Oriented Interview- Anora
Remember to check your outline to see when your Interview Assignments are due.
A Video Summary on Interviewing in Flower Essences
Downloads– Preparing a Case Study Interview