Journal Questions- Chapter 9
Who do you invite to be with you when you backslide?
Who best supports your new development?
Harley, at Therapy Counselling, suggested the following questions, which I think are inspirational for the inner Genie.
What is it that you want in this part of your life that you are not admitting?
What are you afraid of losing out on that is keeping you stuck?
What is the worst thing that could happen if you achieve this goal?
What is going right that you are not acknowledging?
How could you make what you are doing easier on yourself?
How could you find more support in reaching this goal?
What other choices do you have in this situation that you have been ignoring?
What three small steps could you commit to taking this week to get yourself closer to your goal?
Write down 1 or 2 lessons from this chapter you would like to include at the end of lessons action plan called My Wishes in Action.