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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

D. Journaling

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Genie Lesson # 60 

Journal To See Insights, Patterns and Growth

You have learned so many methods of speaking and listening to yourself and others. One way to consolidate this information is to journal. Journaling will help you remember what you have learned and in reflection, show patterns that run through your life that are hard to catch if they are not written down.

Write about your soul issues, from the pain they cause to the quests they stir. You have already started journaling in your Lumera lessons. Be sure to include highlights of your wish-making journey.


A Few General Journaling Tips

If you haven’t done so already, find a journal you like. You might call it your Genie Journal. You may also write in this book, if it provides enough space for your thoughts.

Find a pen that flows.

Do not worry about your spelling or grammar.

Write what feels important, relevant or juicy for you.

Journal consistently.

Connect with yourself before you journal and get present, write what feels important.

Write in your voice, using words that mean something to you.

Keep your journal somewhere safe, so that your private thoughts remain yours. If you are worried about someone finding your journal and using it against you in any way it will create blockages.

Write for further exploration, and to record your revelations.

It is incredible how easily breakthroughs can slip away if one does not record them.

Keep track of your wishes, how they evolve and how they manifest.

Which techniques work best for you and at what times?

Also keep tabs on how your body is responding, as it gives so many honest clues for healing.

The Journaling Exercises in this book are a great way to start your journaling process to bring about insight.


“I love to journal,” says Gini. “I really wouldn’t remember much of my journey if I didn’t write it down. It is also a wonderful way to record growth and slip-ups.”

“I love it to record my dreams,” pipes up Joey, the hummingbird.

“Right, there are so many types of journals one can create, shares Gini. I hope you give it a try,” she says to the class.

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