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D. How are Flower Essences Used, Cautions, Dilution Methods & the Dosage Bottle

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Read through the following information to learn about how to use flower essences.

For a more personal idea of how you might use flower essences  also listen to your animated helper’s story. She is located at the bottom of the page. Watch the Videos and Try Making Your Own Dosage Bottle.

How Are Flower Essences Used?

We can take essences orally, from a dropper bottle, under the tongue, or in a bit of water. They can also be effective if we add a few drops to the bath or a favourite lotion or oil. We can also place them right on the skin.

Regular rhythmic use of the flower remedies builds the strength of their catalytic action. The potency increases if you take them on a frequent, consistent basis. In most cases 4X daily. Before going to sleep and before waking are the most potent times.

We can use a few flower essence blends on a short-termed basis for acute symptoms, 5-flower Formula is used for panic or trauma (rescue remedy ) or try yarrow special formula for mild environmental distress. Most single essences are best used over a long term for more deep-seated issues. The most common cycle is 1 month or 28 days (a moon cycle).


Alcohol sensitivity– Add 2-4 drops to a boiling cup of water- the heat will allow the alcohol to boil off. Or add 2-4 drops of essence to a 1 oz. glass bottle. Fill 1/4 to 1/3 full with vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar.
We can prepare the dosage bottle with vegetable glycerine or apple cider vinegar, instead of brandy if kept in the fridge or used in less than a week.

Allergies to plants– Singular flower essences are non-toxic and gentle, as they are so dilute. But if a reaction occurs, instead try the essences on the skin, in a cream, or in a bath. Carefully, administer topical applications. Some of the FES Blends, such as Self Heal, YES, or Flourish Formulas contain a few herbs or essential oil. You may have an allergy to these ingredients.

When people first take flower essences they may develop a small headache, emotional, or skin reaction that is part of adjusting to the formula. If these reactions become at all difficult, please lessen the amount, frequency, or adjust the blend for better tolerance.

Dilution Methods:
Working from the Mother Essence. Use 2 drops to 50 MLS of brandy. The mother essence is the strongest essence level got from the original flowers soaked in water.

Novel Ways to Use Flower Essences & How to Make the Dosage Bottle

Stock Essence-

This is what you get when you buy essences. It is acceptable to use essences straight from the bottle in this concentrated form. Place 4 drops under the tongue, or in a little water. This dosage is most taken 4 X daily.

We may also drop 4 drops of stock level essences in a glass of water and sip this elixir throughout the day.



A Dosage Bottle is a diluted form of the stock essence. It can contain only one flower essence, or many, (up to 5).

Preparing the Dosage Bottle-
1. Wash hands
2. Ensure all equipment is clean before use.
3. Take apart the dosage bottle. Unscrew plastic from rubber and glass.
4. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the bottles. Bring water to a boil.
5. Place bottles and glass dropper into the water.
6. Wait 15 minutes
7. Throw in plastic and rubber pieces. Wait 5 minutes.
8. Take everything out of the pot with tongs. Set onto a clean paper towel and let drain. With sterile cloth or gauze in hands, squeeze water out of rubber pieces. Put the dropper into the rubber.
9. Prepare the label. Include what the dosage bottle contains: type of preservative, essences, and water. Name of the client. Your name and contact number.
The date of preparation and the date of expiration. (About 60 days for a brandy mix). (About one month for apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin).
If there is no preservative refrigerate the blend to help it last longer.
Create a title for the remedy. Instructions for taking: I.e. take 4 drops 4 X daily under the tongue. Do not touch the dropper to tongue, hand etc.
Add preservative. For bottles with brandy use 1/8- 1/ of the bottle, or more, if the client will be in a high temperature, or if the bottle is to last longer than 2 months.
Apple cider vinegar, 3/4 – all. Vegetable glycerin, up to bottleneck with this preservative.
10. Add the water if applicable.
11. Add the drops of stock 2 to 6 drops each.
12. Insert dropper into bottle and close.
13. Ensure the sides of the bottle are clean and dry.
14. Put a label on the bottle.
15. Potentize with slow rhythmic shakes, or use the figure 8 motion.

For alcohol sensitive individuals:
Use 2-4 drops of stock in a large glass of water. Use glycerin or apple cider vinegar instead of brandy, and refrigerate. Remedies without brandy will expire more quickly.

Always use a glass bottle and dropper. Plastic may affect the subtle qualities of the plant remedies.
Keep blends in a cool or dark place. Never touch glass droppers to mouth, hands, surfaces. If this happens, rinse immediately. If there is any chance of contamination, make a new dosage bottle. Do not share essences with other people or pets.

We can also take flower essences directly from stock bottles and for single essences this works well.

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