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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. The Wish Called Joy or Happiness

The Northern Star College offers a Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, e-course. We also have Distance Education Courses available.

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Genie Lesson # 47

Invite Joy and Happiness

The Wish Called Joy and Happiness

Do What You Love

When you find what you love to do, commit to it. Many people forget to bring what they love to do into their life daily or wait until they are too tired from duties to devote time to their true passions. To increase your joy, do what delights you, as frequently as you can!

Up Your Happiness Quotient

Help Others

Contribute to other’s lives is very satisfying. Sharing produces feel-good hormones.

Smile and Sit and Stand Straight-

Smiling boosts serotonin to help one feel better. Good posture can increase happiness and boost self-esteem.

Scientists have proven that making the sound EE with your mouth, boosts mood.


Most of us know that a work out is invigorating. It raises endorphins that help you feel better, as well as decreasing perceptions of pain.

Spend Time with People You Love and Do Something Positive Together-

Being with the people you love brings joy. Add in a productive, positive intent and your happiness level increases even further.

Learn to Stay in the Present

Jumping to the past can cause regret, moving to future scenarios provokes anxiety. Staying in the present is the joy zone.

Spend Time In a Beautiful Natural Setting-

Walk or stroll somewhere beautiful frequently. The Japanese call it Forest Bathing. Being one with nature is healing and restorative.

Give Yourself Time

Place time buffers in your schedule. Treat yourself to leisure time frequently and do what you love. Turn off your phone, turn on your intuition and sense of delight.

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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Northern Star Courses

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