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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. The Genie Council

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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The Council of Genies

What is a Mythical Council?

Gini enters in a flurry of golden light, and says, “We are reaching the end of our lessons. I want you to have a place to turn if you ever feel confused or alone. Besides staying in tune with Lumera and these lessons. You can bring Genies to you, by continuing to call on them. “

Gini continues, “Dr. Aizenstat of Pacifica University uses mythical councils as a way to stay in touch with dream figures. Laurie, our human author, loves his idea of setting up a mythical, imaginary dream council. I worked with her to adapt this process so you can create your own Council of Genies.”

Genie Lesson # 104

Keep Your Life Mythical

True genius sees with the eyes of a child and thinks with the brain of a genie.  Puzant Kevork Thomajan

One of the main features of any “imaginary” Council is that you can call them in any circumstance. They are never too busy to respond. If you allow this council of Genies to form in your mind and engage with them, they will bring a certain mystical intelligence to your life. I have always found the archetypal world very alive and ready to respond with images, symbols, and feelings.

There may be resistance from your adult side when thinking about this technique. North Americans often feel childish about calling in imaginary friends. The subjective is dismissed as fantasy by our culture.

If you do cultivate the ability to create a Genie Council you have your own otherworldly committee, whenever you like. This Shamanic technique can be helpful when you need support and require a non-linear perspective.

Dr. Aizenstat calls engaging with mythical beings a form of “high play.” I have found messages from any imaginary Council to be very insightful for personal, spiritual and professional matters.

Genie Lesson # 105  

Assemble Your Genie Council

The Council is an imaginary but potent group that you assemble and get to know over time. To create a Genie Council, imagine how many Genies you would like at your table, or around your magic carpet.

Contemplate which Genies you would like to be part of your council. Consider your Genie guide who has shown up in previous meditations. You may want to invite your sentient rug, and even your lantern or bracelets. I of course also include Gini.

After you decide who is coming to your circle, determine which object best represents each member. Procure the objects and then place them around the sacred rug or table.

Call the Council into the room. Use your breath, to breathe them in, one at a time. Watch each member become infused with life. Let them introduce themselves and have time to reveal their essence. Each being on council has its unique personality, mannerisms, and gifts.

Spend time talking to each of the Genies and magical objects to find out more about them. Attend genuinely to each of them, with all of your senses. Present them with an issue on your mind and get their opinions.

Use your senses when you contact your council in your imagination. What do they look like, sound like, smell like? How can you recognize them? Develop a personal relationship with each one of them.

You may ask each being about their experiences, the bondage they have faced. Only use advice, that is safe and sound. Do try to implement advice the Council gives you, to deepen your understanding of making wishes and getting free. It’s like if a friend asks us for advice and it is never followed, they become less enthused about providing their time and expertise. The Genies at your council, also need to know they are valued.

Genie Lesson # 108  

Keep Your Relationship with the Genie Council Alive

Gini says, “You may call on us at any time for advice, or to join you when you need their particular qualities or support. Call on us informally, when you would like help or companionship. You don’t need to use a ritual for each interaction. You can converse casually and frequently with any of the Genies or beings in your Council.”

“If you need reassurance, company or back up, rely on your council members! Treat the beings that show up respectfully, like you would anyone in a relationship you highly value. Keep in contact with them and be yourself during your interactions,” says Gini

“Some of the results in non-linear work, such as interacting with Genie Councils may take the form of synchronicities, intuitive flashes, dreams, or big Aha’s. These archetypal encounters may also turbo-charge wishes, or give feedback, as you contemplate what you most desire. To me, big archetypal signs given from the universe are the highest confirmation that I am on the right track. It is like the source saying, “we hear you, and you are part of the grand plan,” Gini affirms.

“A Genie council is such an imaginative way of combining human and genie talents,” says Gini to Joey, as he flies onto her shoulder.

“It’s a good way for us to stay connected with the students,” replies Joey.

“I have another reminder for students today before we make our wish. I suggest they read our tale in Magical Secret Passage A if they haven’t yet. I also think students who did read it at the beginning of the book will benefit from re-reading it, as it will resonate deeper now,” suggests Gini.

Genie Lesson 108     

Make A Wish that Serves the Greater Good

“It is never my intent that you become entangled in other people’s dramas and grant only other people’s wishes, again. After all, this is the pattern Genies need to break. But, delivering peace, love and balance to the planet is both a privilege and a responsibility for those who are able. Remember to use some of your knowledge to teach and aid others, as Trua and I, have done for you,” says Gini.

“Also, good wishes go much further than vile wishes, which backfire. Supporting community or world projects that will benefit from your skills is a true Genie gift to give.”

“How is it as you stay on your true path, you also serve the greater good?” asks Gini.

Gini now surrounded by golden light continues, “You have gone through a long journey and through it, you have freed pieces of yourself that held you back.”

“Like Trua and myself you are now a free being, trained in the art of granting wishes that matter. You have shed the bracelets of servitude and replaced them with your inner authority and a life designed by you, for you.”

“All that lies ahead is choice and each choice is a wish when followed up with the commitment to make it so. Free Genies like you can grant ongoing wishes to themselves and others. Every moment presents an opportunity to live your soul purpose and manifest your deepest desires. You carry the Light of Lumera, the magical lantern. Keep your clarity sharp and be a beacon for others drawn to the art of granting wishes and seeking choice.”

“Your Wish, After All, Is Your Command,” Gini says with love in her eyes, directed at you.

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