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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. Prayer

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Recognize Genies Cannot Grant Some Wishes

Genies are unable to interfere with some matters.

In life, there are two types of wishes, those in our control, that we can influence and others that are in the realms of the gods. Know the difference between the two.

Genie Lesson # 73

When Wishes Fail Prayer Helps

Some wishes do not come to us.

Remember to engage in sending universal blessings to yourself and others through prayer. Prayer weaves protection spells and is powerful. Having the strength and acceptance to trust life’s motion when your wishes are not granted is also essential. You cannot understand some outcomes the universe creates. Pray or connect with the universal in any style that suits you. Be sincere, be honest and be grateful.

Genie Lesson # 74

Get End of Life Clarity

People who have been on the verge of death, or those facing fatal disease or surgeries who have survived, often come back to their lives with a changed perspective. They feel like their purpose has been clarified. They no longer want to waste time on pieces of their lives that do not feel important. They are only interested in fulfilling their soul-purpose. Life, after all, is finite.


What parts of your life are no longer right for you?

Are you living exactly the life you should?

If not, what needs to change right now?

What have you come back to do?

How will you do it?


The answers to these questions will inform you if your wishes are a match for what is important to you. People can put years into making a dream come true, only to find out the outcome is just “okay.” Take the time to decide on which wishes are worthwhile. Don’t go into analysis paralysis and stall out but take time to swish these questions around in your mind.


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