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With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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C. Kramer Interview Write Up- On Students Own Time

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Interview a Fellow Student Using the Kramer Technique.                              Assignment 2A – Hand in May 13, 2022 

Get together with a partner that you have chosen, or who has been assigned to you for the group of Kramer exercises. You will interview them, (Assignment 2A) and then they will interview you, Assignment 2B, using the Kramer questionnaire as an interview tool. (This can be found under Downloads at the bottom of this page).

Give your client your recommendations, and then they can make up the dosage bottle for themselves, and take it, (if it feels right). If it does not, contact Robert or Laurie for help. You will also try the essence they selected, make up your own dosage bottle, or use the essence straight from the stock bottle and keep track of the results, (if this feels right in 2B).
Write this up as an interview and hand it in. This is explained further down this page.

Assignment 2B- Get Interviewed by Your Partner.
Take this essence for 28 days. Due May 13,
Keep Notes on how it goes.

Now your partner will interview you, as mentioned above for this part- Assignment 2B, using the Kramer questionnaire as an interview tool. (This can be found under Downloads at the bottom of this page). A first interview is a learning exercise. Do not expect your partner, or yourself to be perfect.

Steps in Determining the Essence and Writing Up the Process
1. Determine which Kramer pattern of 3 essences resonates most strongly for them by analyzing the results from their Kramer/Bach
2. Determine which stage of the pattern they are in: Communication, Compensation or Decompensation. Go down to the lower level of the pattern if you are teetering between the two.
3. Decide and justify which one of these 3 essences they should take, how many times a day, and for how long.
4. Then trade places and allow your practitioner to interview you, also using the Kramer Questionnaire. When you act as the practitioner keep good notes about how and why you made your decisions and your client’s responses and results.
5. For your personal experience of taking the essence-Use a personal journal to record which essence you are taking and make daily notes about the results, or anything that feels connected, important or relevant to the process.
6. Write the above process up in the interview format-very soon after the interview, while the memory is fresh in your mind. Consider the Interview Format below, number 9 for structure.

Provide timely, (within 36 hours) feed-back to the client about which essence they should take for the next 28 days. Give your client your recommendation. They can make up their formula.

7. Send a summary of your own journey with these essences and your client interview to Laurie

8. For this first interview use only one of the Healing Herb, brand (Bach)
Flower essences.

Follow Up Interview Assignments for the Kramer technique can be found in the next section.

When you act as the practitioner keep good notes about how and why you made your decisions.
Keep thorough notes about your client’s responses and results. Use a personal journal to record which essence you are taking and make daily notes about the results, or anything that feels connected, important or relevant to the process.

Note ****Always, if your client is in light distress you may use a 5-flower blend instead of the suggested essence to keep them in a calmer state. In all other cases use only one Healing Herb Essence, (not a blend) for the 28-day period.

If your client is in extreme distress refer to a psychologist or suicide hotline. This goes beyond the scope of flower essences. Ensure they are safe but do not continue in crisis situations.


Kramer Interview Questions

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