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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. Dreams

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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More Skills for Genies

Gini suggests, “You are now listening to your inner voice in the daytime. But your soul also speaks to you during the night. This is your dream voice.”

“Join me in Lumera’s Dream Room for this next exercise,” invites Gini.

You enter the Dream Room by silently requesting to join and blinking your eyes three times,” Gini instructs.

“Choose the reclining chair or bed, just right for you. If you are studying from home, get comfy as you can dream from wherever you happen to be.”

“Dreaming is one of my favourite practices,” shares Gini excitedly.

“Dreams illuminate every person’s raw brilliance. Your dreams are your truthful oracle who shows up loyally, night after night, to deliver important messages. Dreams hold deep personal meaning. But dream language is symbolic and hard to understand. You strengthen your ability to interpret these soul messages when you learn more about what the symbolism means.”

“Pay close attention to your dream themes,” Gini suggests.

Genie Lesson # 59 

What is Your Night Talk?

 Dream Themes

Dreams give an unfiltered, picture of what your soul thinks. One of the relevant updates is about if your life is shifting, or stagnant.

Where you experience agony in dream life or when you are off track from your destiny, dreams can help pinpoint where the discomfort lies. Dreams tell you when change is necessary.

Particularly upsetting dreams or nightmares may indicate not all is well in your psyche, and you should pay attention to something in your waking life.

Dreams are slippery, however, and it is worthwhile learning to comprehend them.

One meaningful way to understand your dreams is to match emotion, from dream state to waking life. If you are upset about something in a dream, search your feelings, to see where you were aware of being similarly rattled in your day. This may well be the material your dream is illuminating.

We teach much about dreams at the college, where I work. Go to and look at the Wise Woman Within Program.  Dreams are worth studying, as they are authentic teachers who call on you nightly.

Dreams will give you many insights into what your wishes are. They will also help you decide if a wish you are contemplating is life-enhancing or problematic.

Dreams, aromatherapy, flower essences and afformations are all potent practices on their own but are also helpful ways to support wishes.

Flower essences can also be used to invigorate your dream life, as can a daily B vitamin, a good sleep, a dream journal and consistently listening to and respecting the inner dreamer’s message.


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