Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. Dealing With Nightmares & Creating a Dream Council

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Approaching Nightmares and Creating a Dream Council-

Nightmares & Tending the Intolerable- The morning will be a lecture about nightmares, so you may wish to take notes. This afternoon will focus on Creating Your Own Dream Council.

Sources- Stephen Aizenstat

Although dreams are our best friends, at times they can be scary- even terrifying.

What is the purpose of dreams that shake us up and leave us unsettled?

First lets start at a lower intensity level with sort of scary Dream Figures, or even a nightmare. They may look a variety of ways and may vary in how scary they are. They often show up as an intruder, a monster, a disfigured human, or a threatening animal. They are scary, but not utterly terrifying. Your life does not feel threatened, but it is not comfortable to be around them.

* Like in any dream pay attention to the affliction. Look at the conditions of the dreamer and the conditions of their life to see what may be going on in a personal manner.

What are the body sensations that arise when the terrifying figure manifests?

Also explore the psychological complex that is triggered and personality tendencies constellated by the visitation.

For example: A woman dreams of a faceless stranger chasing her. She runs up the stairs and wakes up with heart pounding and feelings of terror.

In her home life- affliction- she is stressed and busy. Her boss, who she views as someone who has a scary temper has been worse than usual. She is feeling uneasy at work.

Past-Her father was much the same temperament. He always had temper tantrums and she felt unsafe while living with him. Complex: She now feels fearful and on edge.

She runs away from the dream figure in the dream. This is a fairly typical reaction that most of us experience. This running takes a lot of energy . We will also run into similar figures that we dream about in waking life. They may not look the same, but they somehow mirror the same sensibility and we will react. Our complex is activated.

Sometimes we think we have worked it out and dealt with what scares us this way. Possibly we have, but most of us just get better at avoiding people and circumstances that stir us up that way- we develop sophisticated tools to sense and evade what disturbs us.

But strangely, when we marry, or invite people who have great meaning into our life, there is often something about them, albeit subtle that will reflect this same sensibility.

Develop some sort of relationship with the figure- even if it is just observing.

In Dream tending we want to know- who is visiting now? We want to know as much as possible about the figure. What do they look like? What are the subtle details about them? When do they manifest? What are their preferences? When do they prowl- time of day they are activated?


Although these terrifying figures may look a little familiar, they may have their own life and be very different underneath. Aizenstat says that “the psyche is tricky- it gets our attention by presenting the familiar, but underneath it may not be so.”

So we find out- Who is this figure in the autonomous, independent way this figure itself appears in dreams? Understand and follow its activity. Get to know it deeply.

Describe the figure in detail. Explain it to a friend. Draw it out, or make it in clay of play dough. Doing this without looking- let your hands create it.

Come back to it for 7 days, you may observe it, talk to it- see how it evolves.

To feel more safe possibly align with a friendly figure in the dream. Engage the scary figure with the friendly figure present, in an environment you feel safe in.

Another method is to clearly structure the time you will spend with it i.e 7 mornings from 9-9:30.

If we work with these images over time they become less foreign, less over-whelming. The goal is not to integrate the personality but rather to have a relationship with it.  The idea is to turn the image into an ally if possible, rather than have it lurking in the background as a destructive figure.


More Intense Dream Images-

Violent dream images have an even stronger effect. They in turn create violent reactions in our psyche: eating complexes, large mood swings, addictions, compulsions. Dream images like these take on the role of the killer, the fiend, the greedy monster just to name a few.

To develop relationship with these figures is difficult and sometimes not productive. The intensity of them feels to threaten our existence. We fear for our lives. Given this kind of image, what do we do?


Connect to your strength and Find Supportive Figures.

Identify a nightmare image that has recently entered your dreams.

Now locate a dream image that is kind and supportive. Invite it to be with you as you approach the other nightmarish image.


Then we need to stand our ground and Gain Knowledge of the Dream Being.

When we confront the image back it changes the power relationship. It eventually begins to transform. This true of images like tidal waves, earth quakes, menacing animals etc. Literally talk back to the image like you might a bully. Find a voice quality, gesture and words that allow us to tell it we are not afraid and will not be moved. Stand Firm and WATCH the Figure CLOSELY. This may be a brief encounter.


Exercise: Stand Your Ground and Gain Knowledge

In active imagination notice the being. What it might do, how it moves, where it goes, see if you can follow it to its birthplace.

Watch it operate and where it goes. Knowing something about origins helps us get a sense of who this figure is and where it came from. Listen for its speech or sound. Identify the quality of this sound- roar, screech, hiss, moaning, yelling etc. Try to imitate this sound to show it you too are powerful.

As you see it more you may ask- Who are you? What are you up to?

Watch it in the dreamtime and how similar energy comes to us in awake life.

How is it played out in movies, in the media?

It is sometimes helpful to tell it you will not kill it. This may make it easier to work with. I am of two mind with this-

To destroy the image often results in the image coming back more ferociously. On the other hand we may have to disseminate it, as Bluebeards brother in laws, did to the Bluebeard energy.

Regard it for what it is- the demonic figure it is. Gather our own strength and capabilities. Not to kill it, but to watch and gain knowledge.

We gain the knowledge to understand where the monster is, how it operates and what it’s up to. We follow the figure and activity. It is now possible to sustain a continuing awareness and how it’s operating through its life on a daily basis.

When we know more about this being, we are not so easily caught by surprise when it shows up. When we are ill, distracted where we do feel these images? It is often accompanied by fear, despair, anxiety, compulsion, despair. We may feel hopeless and get frozen, collapse or

pulls us into its orbit and creates chaos.


Make the Stop and Create Separation

It is important to break the cycle of fear and reclaim our power.

When we become conscious that we are in the state influenced by this image. Stop the fear- walk, take a shower or change environments. Stop the reaction to this visitation or experience. Do something physical to interrupt the cycle.

Also, say and mean- STOP to the menacing figure.


Say this 3 times with authority.

Look at the figure, its face, gestures. Has it changed in appearance or behavior? What aspect has calmed just a little? How are you feeling?

When stopped get curious. Access the part of us that is not so overwhelmed.

It is curiosity, not fear that will provide strength.


Discover the True Nature of the Figure

After we have changed our relationship to the figure, even subtly another aspect of it may arise- its humanity.

As we engage more with it, it may no longer feel compelled to act out as destructively. This does not mean all nightmarish figures become angelic. But these horrifying images are: potent, active and alive. It takes extreme patience and persistence to work with these figures. You need to keep repeating the dream tending and dialoguing and observing until the images are ready to change.

Aizenstat says that like in a fairy tale the figure may be waiting for release into its next incarnation.

Sometimes the figure will get up and leave the room, or disappear, or shapeshift.

It may be its last line of defence, or maybe still too hot to handle.

Do not get thrown off by these maneuvers.

If it leaves the room, wait a few moments and turn your attention to something else. Then look back and rediscover where it is situated. If it shapeshifts wait for its original form to return. Be patient and persistent. Stand firm and wait for it to reveal itself.

Exercise- Discover the True Nature of the Figure.


Establish Relationship With the Figure

(We will not be doing this in class, but you may when you get home).

The most scary figures are sometimes also the most authentic. They are neither domesticated, or conforming. They hold keys to our own uniqueness. Their oddity can mirror back our individuality.

Just dealing with the image takes us into the realm of the unknown- we may not be able to use our previous coping techniques to deal with this being- rather we need to discover a new way to respond. This expands our boundaries and abilities.

You might try sketching the nightmare- be very detailed about what is most frightening. Do not figure anything out= just express.

Or you may write a dialogue between yourself and the image. Wait for a response- record this. Keep talking and responding.

This is allowing what has not been seen or heard to come into visibility. What is revealed that is new and essential?


Experience the Vitality of an Image

Nightmarish figures are fascinating and creative. They keep us off balance and shake us out of our complacency.

Our society also loves and hates the horrific- scary shows, vampires, ghosts etc.

Terrifying images ignite our creativity like no others.

The key to the next exercise is to come face- to- face, body to body with the image.


Experience the Vitality of the Imagination

The Demonic Image may also result in the psyche of nature.

Aizenstat has a story of how he conducted a dream seminar in Hawaii. One of his students offered a dream to the group of a terrifying nightmare he had the night before- after arriving in Hawaii. He told about a horrific, vengeful figure that appeared in the middle of the night. The figure demanded something from him. The young man was very scared. Aizenstat tried to animate the image with all of the standard techniques. Then a 78-year-old Hawaiian dream Kahuna walked into the room. She listened for a while and asked- Where were you in location when this dream occurred? He was up in the dorm.

“Oh” she said, “that one again. He’s a pesty little thing isn’t he? He usually visits at 4:30-5:00 a.m.”

“He’s a young one and likes to create much mischief”.  She knew the place and the figures and spirits that frequented this place. She is interested in knowing where you were sleeping to see what image walked on.  She said it was a hungry image and wanted something to eat. “He has a significant mean streak”.

These images are not just in the human psyche, but also in the landscape.

This mischief exists in a way beyond human existence.

He took some poy and put it onto the side of his plate later. The young man was absent for 24 hours. Once you feed the image see if you can follow it about.

That is what the young man did. He felt better, more informed after ways.

The demonic and that which is horrific exists in life experience and there are multiple ways of understanding it.

Gain information about the location of the image, where it goes, where it lives, its activities, and the energies that inhabit the place.


We need some distance and protection and work with another person and take it in smaller bits. An active dialogue may be too much. One can write, or use clay, or try to work with another person – all tools to help soften the fear.

On the personal level, it is usually something that has been neglected asking for attention Who is wearing the clothes of this horrific image or dynamic. Do we work with clay or make a mask, or write?

What may it be telling us about our essential nature, our particularness that is birthed from our genius. This genius part of us may be very difficult to integrate.


Divide a paper into 3 sections. Create a personal inventory. In the first column make a list of the qualities that the terrifying dream figure has and list people you know that have even a fragment of these qualities or quality.


In the second column describe the qualities these people have that are similar to the demonic image.- Who is or has carried these or similar demonic qualities? Again it may be just a nuance- not the quality in fullness.


In the third column describe the tactics this person may use when they act out of this personality aspect- and how it affects you.

Start with contemporary people and then look into the media.


In active imagination notice the being. What it might do, how it moves, where it goes, see if you can follow it to its birthplace. What are its habits? What is its agenda?

Watch it operate and where it goes.

Knowing something about origins helps us get a sense of who this figure is and where it came from.

Now gain knowledge about the image. Watch it in the Dreamtime and how it comes to us in awake life. How is it played out in movies, in the media?

Draw it paint, it make it in clay, write about it. Visit it for 7 days- to watch and see more about it and if it evolves.

How does this change your understanding and interaction?


I will firstly tell you about what a dream council is and how to create one and then you can go ahead and do this for the next while. Get really deeply into your images and process, while you work.  Communicate with them as sincerely as any other ongoing, relationship with someone who means a great deal to you.

At 2:15 we will come back to class and discuss how this went.

Dream Council-

Bring Dream Journal to Class

From an idea of Stephen Aizenstat.

Creating a dream council is like having your own otherworldly dream committee with you, when you ask to dispense advice, accompany you, when you need support and even add inter-dimensional perspective.

To create a dream council spend some time going over your important dreams.

Find the most important beings from these dreams. Some who will strengthen you, some who know your weaknesses- such as your wounded male side, if you are female. Also, one of your more difficult shadow characters might also be invited, to at least some of the meetings.

Ask each of the beings their names, or how they want to be referred to.

Make the number of members workable, (more than 2, but no more than 6 or 8).

You might find some of the beings only attend select gatherings. Information may not pertain to them at times.

Spend time talking to each of them, or journeying to find out more about them.

Listen deeply with all senses. What do they sound like, smell like, look like, feel like, or feeling they evoke in you when they are around. Is there any taste they bring up?

Do they have anything in particular that stands out? A figure with very big eyes, might, for example, may have ability to see what is usually invisible.

Then invite them all to the same meeting.

Find objects that represent them. Don’t get too picky about this, but have it be something that carries some of their energy, such as a hot-tempered, red-haired council member could be represented by a red candle or red piece of cloth.

Place all members in a circle, or oval, and set the council.

Let them introduce themselves. Get a feel for how they speak, their attitudes, tone, preferences, biases.
Present them with an issue, or just get their opinions.

The dreamscape becomes part of living space. The council itself takes on a life.

Each being on council has its own life form type and intelligence.

You may call up these beings at any time for advice, or to come with you at times when you need their particular qualities or support. Remember to thank them and possibly give them little natural gifts.


Dream Council Assignment-

Idea of dream council originates with Stephen Aizenstat.

  1. Review your important dreams.
  2. Find the most important beings from these dreams.

( Some who will strengthen you, some who know your weaknesses- such as your wounded male side, if you are female. Also, one of your more difficult shadow characters might also be invited, to at least some of the meetings.)

  1. Journey, meditate or visualize to find out more about them. Talk deeply to each member you are thinking of. Listen with all senses.
  2. Ask each of the beings their names, or how they want to be referred to.
  3. Make the number of members workable, (more than 2, but no more than 6 or 8).

You might find some of the beings only attend select gatherings. Information may not pertain to them at times.

  1. Invite them all to the same meeting.
  2. Find objects that represent them. Place them in a circle, or whatever format you wish, and set the council.
  3. Let them introduce themselves.
    9. Present them with an issue, or just get their opinions.

The dreamscape becomes part of living space. The council itself takes on a life.

Each being on council has its own life form type and intelligence.

You may call up these beings at any time for advice, or to come with you at times when you need their particular qualities or support.

This council can be with you for as long as necessary. They are your internal advisory board.


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