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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

C. Course References

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Please listen to your animated instructor inform you about the Course References.

Most of these books are located in the Ship’s Library. The Ship is magical, so the rooms transform and look different depending on our needs.
From the main stairwell, go to Deck 4.
Turn left, and the Library is the second door on your right.
Other Precious Volumes are confined to the Captain’s Quarters.
The Captain is very protective of these rare volumes, so you may need to ask him personally to get a peek.

Please review this page to understand the references used to compile this program.
Many other sites were used, as mentioned on the applicable pages.

The references used in developing this course may also be worthwhile for further study.
All information, written, videos, pictures, etc., is for this course’s subscribers only.
It is not for sharing or reposting.

We thank the authors, aromatherapists, and alchemists who have contributed to this field.

The Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual by Sheppard-Hanger S., Tisserand R., and Young R. (2014). Essential Oil Safety has been used for scientific and medical information. We mention both frequently in the course. Sheppard-Hanger has been our go-to and the first place to check if you are looking for our source.


Please keep track of your notes and research to keep expanding the field. Credit to the authors is given on this page and only sometimes listed in the notes for the sake of brevity and because the descriptions of plants and their properties by various authors are cohesive.

Online Sources

Chatgpt 4

The GreenMed Info Daily Newsletter,  Sayer Ji (Current to 2024)

PubMed. Comprehensive resource for biomedical literature, articles and current research for aromatherapy and alternative health. (Current to 2024)


Aftel, M. Essence and Alchemy, (2001), Northpoint Press

Aftel, M. & D. Patterson (2004) Aroma: The Magic of Essential Oils in Food & Fragrance. Artisan, Workman Pub. NY.

Aftel, M. Fragrant, (2014), The Secret Life of Scent. Riverhead.

Balkam, J. (1994). Aromatherapy: A practical guide to essential oils and aromas sage. Blitz Editions. The UK.

Balz, R. (1996). The Healing Power of Essential Oils. Lotus Light Pub. Twin Lakes, WI.

Buckle, J. 2003. Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Practice 2nd Ed. Churchill Livingstone.

Catty, S. (2001). Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy. Healing Arts Press. Rochester, VT.

Curtis, S. (1996). Essential Oils. Aurum Press, London UK.

Davis, P. (1998). Aromatherapy A- Z. Daniel: Essex U.K.

Evert Hopman, E. (1995). A Druid’s Herbal: Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont.

Gattefosse, R.M. (1993). Gattefosse’s Aromatherapy (translated from French). C.W. Daniel, Essex, England.

Gilbert, A. (2008). What The Nose Knows: The Science of Scent in Everyday Life. Crown Pub. NY.

Grace, U-M. (1996). Aromatherapy for Practitioners. C.W. Daniel Co. Essex, UK.

Green, M. (1999). Natural Perfumes-Simple Aromatherapy Recipes. Loveland, Colorado.

Grosjean, N. (1993). Aromatherapy from Provence (translated from French by M.G. Gray). C.W. Daniel. Essex, England.

Gumbel, D. (1986). Principles of holistic skin therapy with herbal essences. 2nd Ed. Haug Pub. Heidelberg, Germany.

__________.(2001). Aromatische Pflanzenpflege (in German). OLV Organischer Landbau Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

Harman, Ann. (2015). Harvest to Hydrosol: Distill Your Own Exquisite Hydrosols at Home. IAG Botanics. Fruitland WA.

Holmes. Peter. (2016). Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics. Vol 1&2. Singing Dragon, Jessica Kingsley Pub. London and Philadelphia.

Ingraham, C. (2006). The Animal Aromatics Workbook. 2nd Ed. The Ingraham Institute, Herefordshire, UK.

Keville , K. & Green, M. (1995). Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art. Crossing Press: Freedom: CA

Lavabre M. Aromatherapy Workbook (1990) Healing Arts Press: Rochester Vermont.

Lawless, J. (1992). The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. Element Books. The UK.

__________ (1995) The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. Element Books: U.K.

LeGuerer, A. (1992). Scent: The Mysterious and Essential Powers of Smell. (translated from the French by Richard Miller). Turtle Bay Books. Random House NY.

Maria, D. (2000). Making Aromatherapy Creams & Lotions. Storey Pub. North Adams, MA.

Maury, M. (1989). Marguerite Maury’s Guide to Aromatherapy: The Secret of Life and Youth. C.W. Daniel, Essex, England.

Penoel, D., P. Franchomme. (1990). l’aromatherapie exactement. Roger Jollois Editeur, Limoges, FR.

Penoel, D. (1991). Medicine Aromatique, Medicine Planetaire. Editions Roger Jolis, Limoges, France.

Penoel. D., & R.M. Ponoel. (1998). Natural Home Health Care Using Essential Oils. English translation. Essential Science Pub. Hurricane, UT.

____________________. (2002). Guide to Home Use of Essential Oils. 2nd Ed. Essentia Pub. Provo, UT.

Price, S. (1993) Aromatherapy Workbook. Thorsons: London

Price, S. & L. Price (1994). Understanding Hydrolats: The Specific Hydrosols for Aromatherapy: A Guide for Health Professionals. Churchill Livingstone.

Price, S. & L. Price (1995), Aromatherapy for Health Professionals Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Science Ltd.

Price, S. & P. Price Parr. (1996). Aromatherapy for babies and children. Thorsons Harper Collins Pub San Francisco, CA.

Price, S. (2000). Aromatherapy And Your Emotions. Thorsons, Harper Collins. London UK.

Purchon, N.Cantele, L. (2014). The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness. Robert Rose Inc. Toronto, Ont.

Robbins, Tom. (1984). Jitterbug Perfume. Bantam Books. Toronto ON.

Rogers, R. (2015). Scents of Wonder Oils and Waters. Prairie Deva Publishing: Edmonton, Canada.

Rose, J. & S. Earle (Editors). (1996). The World of Aromatherapy. North Atlantic Books distributes Frog Ltd.. Berkeley CA.

Ryman, D. (1991). Aromatherapy. Judy Piatkus Publishers: London.

Ryman, D. (1984). The Aromatherapy Handbook. Century Publishing: London

Schnaubelt, K. 1998. Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil Therapy (trans to English by J.M. Beasley). Healing Arts Press. Rochester, VT.

_____________ (1999). Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils. Frog Ltd. Books, Berkeley, CA.

____________ (2011). The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy. Healing Arts Press. Rochester, VT.

Sellar, W. (1992). The Directory of Essential Oils. C.W. Daniel Co. Lt.: Saffron Walden England.

Sheppard-Hanger S. (1995). The Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual. The Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy, 166018 Saddlestring Drive. Florida

Suskind, P. (1986). Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (translated from German). Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster. NY.

Szott-Rogers L. (2014). Scents of Wonder for Health, Beauty, and Pleasure. Prairie Deva Publishing: Edmonton, Canada

Szott-Rogers, L. (2014) Easy Scents. Prairie Deva Publishing: Edmonton, Canada

Tisserand, M. (1994). The 14-Day Aromabeauty Plan. Vermilion Random House. London.

Tisserand, R. (1977). The Art of Aromatherapy. Destiny Books: NY: NY

Tisserand, R., Young, R. (2014). Essential Oil Safety; 2nd Edition. Churchill, Livingstone, Elsevier.

Tourles, S. (2007). Organic Body Care Recipes. Storey Pub. North Adams, Mass.

Turin, L. & T. Sanchez. (2008). Perfumes: The Guide. Penguin Group NY.

Ulla-Maija G.(1996). Aromatherapy for Practitioners. W. Daniel: Essex: U.K.

Valnet. J. (1982) The Practice of Aromatherapy: Holistic Health and the Essential Oils of Flowers and Herbs. (English trans). Destiny Books. NY.

Watson, Lyall. (1999). Jacobson’s Organ and the remarkable nature of smell. Allen Lane Penguin Press London.

Watt, M. (1995). Plant Aromatics. Essex: U.K.

Wildwood, C. (1996). Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy Bloomsbury Publishing: London.

Williams, D.G. (1996). The Chemistry of Essential Oils. Micelle Press. Dorset, UK

Worwood, V. (1987). Aromantics: Add zest, romance and fun to your life with nature’s quintessential oils. Pan Books London UK.

____________(1990). The Fragrant Pharmacy. MacMillan: London

____________(1996). The Fragrant Mind. New World Library, Novato: California.

____________ (1999). The Fragrant Heavens New World Library: Novato, California


Magazines: Some are no longer published but were formerly used for aromatic information in this course.

Aromatic Thymes
Aromatherapy Quarterly
Beyond Scents
Common Scents
Making Scents
The International Journal of Aromatherapy


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