Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

B. Your Adventure Guides & Contact Information

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

About the Instructors:

Robert,Laurie& Dragon


Robert Rogers

Robert has been a student of plant medicine for over 50 years, including 18 years as a clinical herbalist. He is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany. He is the author of over sixty books on medicinal plants in Western Canada. Robert has taught plant medicine for over 40 years, from casual herb walks to university classes. He is a popular speaker with international experience. He has been described as a true “green man” with an affinity to nature and an avid fan of our indigenous plants and mushrooms. Robert will discuss the botanical and healing aspects of essential oils throughout the course.

More about Robert-

Robert is the co-director of the Earth Spirit Medicine Program, and you can contact him at scents@telusplanet.net

You can also visit Robert at the Self Heal Distributing website at www.selfhealdistributing.com

Books By Robert Rogers

Books by Robert Dale Rogers

Visit Robert’s author page at

Laurie Szott-Rogers

More Background…..

Laurie has been an alternative health teacher for over 30 years. With Robert, she has had their wholesale aromatherapy line, Scents of Wonder, for over 30 years and has been involved in all aspects of the business.

Laurie creates blends for Scents of Wonder Aromatherapy. She is also the co-director of the Earth Spirit Medicine Program and the Wise Woman Within Intuitive Counselling Program at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Email- selfheal@telusplanet.net

Visit Laurie at the Self Heal Distributing website at www.selfhealdistributing.com

Books by Laurie Szott-Rogers

Books by Laurie Szott-RogersVisit Laurie’s author page at

Numerous animated guides on the Ship assist Robert and Laurie.
You will meet Bridgid, an ancient goddess, and Jo Anna, the tour guide. We also feature Don, the computer whiz; Jerry, the chemist; Trish, the botanical instructor; Jinny, the spa and beauty instructor; and Dr. Herb Botanic (not a medical doctor but an animated aromatherapist).

Let’s Go on This Aromatic Adventure Together!
Jo Anna, our tour guide, narrates it.



The classes from Northern Star College comprise one part of your education and express the viewpoints of the instructors. Please make good, thorough decisions about your well-being. Get good medical advice when called for and seek medical attention for yourself, your family, and clients when necessary. Neither Northern Star College nor its instructors accept legal responsibility for how you use the information or products discussed in the program.

For administrative questions, you may email Catherine at nsc@northernstarcollege.com
For questions about content, email Laurie at selfheal@telusplanet.net

Copyright: Northern Star College-Laurie Szott-Rogers.


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