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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

B. Who Inside You Takes Charge?

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Genie Lesson # 51     

Who Inside of you Takes Charge?

Not only do you give away power to some people due to their gender, race, job position or age, but you also make pieces of yourself authority figures, while disempowering others.

Giving away personal clout happens both consciously and unconsciously. It is interesting to note that most of you do not question or even notice who inside of you is dominating or being passed the baton of authority on any given day.

But when I think about my process of allowing inner authority figures to govern, I am often startled by who takes over.

A different part of my personality is unchallengingly given license at different times and places. When I go out to buy clothes, for instance, my inner shopper confidently emerges and makes decisions. She buys me what she considers relevant. Sometimes I look through my closet and wonder, why do I have so many clothes and nothing much to wear?

My inner clothes shopper likes two extremes, dramatic clothes, or super-comfy, soft garments that are more like nightgowns. I have clothes suitable for fancy events, which I rarely attend anymore, and lots of fluffy robes for working at home which I do most days. I have allowed this same piece of me to have dominion over this function of buying clothes for decades, even though she doesn’t take my current lifestyle, age, or body type into full consideration. Well, inner shopper, you’re under my observation now.

This is just one example of how a piece of you, however unqualified might also govern an area in your life. Think about who is running the important job positions, in your psyche. Do you know who they are or what they are up to?

Look at your choices to confirm who is making your decisions. Examine any piece of your life that is incongruent or troublesome first, as this is where you may find an unqualified central figure running your show.

Genie Lesson # 53

Monitor Your Change

Keep aware, be curious, journal, discuss and reinforce your new behaviours.

Are things getting better in areas of your life where you have chosen new authority figures, more appropriate to your current beliefs and reality?

If so, you are on the right track. If not, reassess, until you get the results you want. Note, that initially, resetting various behaviours and beliefs can cause discomfort, especially in the outer world where others may expect you to comply in certain situations. Setting your new standards requires resolve, creativity and patience. Also, communicate to others to let them know you are making changes if this feels appropriate.

Staying aware of how you hand over your power increases your choices. You can make more precise decisions in every piece of your life that you choose to observe. Make choices that serve who you are now.


Genie Lesson # 54 

Think for Yourself

Society, church and school have conditioned most of us. Mythical Genies have been enslaved, sometimes for centuries. Learning to think for oneself takes time. Find how you give away authority to others, or to pieces of yourself that don’t make the best judgment. Keep track and get very clear about how you leak or grow your power.

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.  Mandy Hale

“I am amazed how easy it is to give power to others,” says Gini.

“I try to think for myself,” pipes up Joey, the hummingbird. “But I often just let you figure things out for me,” he explains to Gini.

“That’s o.k. Joey,” Gini smiles, “but you do have free will, too, so be sure to speak up when something matters to you.”








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