Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

B. What are Flower Essences and How do They Work?

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 


To start please click the animated helper at the bottom of the page. Emma will share some of what she knows about flower essences with you.  Watch the videos. Then read the information.

What Are Flower Essences & How Might They Work

What are Flower Essences?

Subtle liquid extracts collected from plants, taken effects,to address emotional, soul and spiritual issues. We prepare them from a sun infusion of wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms in a bowl of water, which is further diluted, and mixed with brandy.

How Do Flower Essences Work?

Flower essences do not work because of something measurable in the chemical composition of the liquid. It seems more likely the effect is due to the life forces derived from the plant and contained within the water-based matrix. Like homeopathic remedies, they are vibrational, in nature.

Flower essences are dilute from a physical point of view but wield subtle power.  Flower essences embody the specific energetic patterns of each flower, working through the various human energy fields, which in turn influence mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Flower essences are like a holograph where the whole plant message is held within each drop of water.

The process is subtle. It is a form of healing that is unlike drugs. “Healing” may manifest as a slow natural cycle, like the growth of a plant. To notice effects, we need to train ourselves differently than if we were watching for drug reactions. We require to consider to our interior life to understand the shifts. We may start thinking differently. Are we asking different questions, feeling differently? Are we attracting different experiences, having dreams related to the qualities of the flowers?
Flower essences are catalysts that stimulate and energize the inner transformational process.  They work best in partnership with other soul remedies like counselling, dream work, journaling,  art, or movement therapy.
There is an alchemical component to flower essences, uniting the relationship between the human soul and the spirit of nature. This promotes a soul dialogue between the archetypes of nature and the archetypes within the human soul.
refer to pg. 4 & 5 of Flower Essence Repertory for more complete
information. (Revised from Patricia Kaminiski, Flower Essence Society).

More About Flower Essences:

How Long Does It Take for Flower Essences to Work?

Each human being is unique, as is each issue we wish to shift. Change or insight usually takes at least a moon cycle (28 days). But treating a large issue is much like peeling layers off an onion, with due attention to your inner patterns and messages and complementary therapies, the layers will peel off in time.

When do I Take Flower Essences?

Consistency in taking flower essences is more effective than raising the dosage. Take 4 drops 4X daily of flower essences under the tongue. To amplify the message the flower is resonating, repeat an afformation that amplifies your desire.

Choose quiet times during the day when you are able to be present to deeply feel the experience. Just after waking, and before going to sleep are two ideal times, because the veils between the worlds are thinnest at these moments. These times allow our subconscious to be more transparent and receptive.

To reinforce the effect of flower essences, or use on someone very sensitive use essences on the skin, rather than orally, or in bathwater.

In a bath, use 12 drops and make a figure 8 in the bathtub with the essence and water at least 7 X to potentize the bathwater.


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