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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

B. More Ways to Make Wishes Come True

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Shakti Gawain wrote the first New Age book I read, Creative Visualization.

The idea in this book is to use your imagination to create whatever you want. This formula overlaps with wish work. There are four necessary steps to Shakti’s visualization method.

Genie Lesson # 62

Visualize The Outcome You Want

Set a Goal or in Genie language, a wish. This can be anything positive, a house, relationship, change etc. Start with goals that are simple and easy to believe in and not too far off in the future.


Create a clear idea or picture of the wish in your mind. Picture the object or situation the way you want it, thinking of it in the past tense, as it has happened. Think of details; make them sensory. Smell, touch, see, hear, and even taste the situation.


Think about this wish frequently, as you meditate and when you are relaxed.


Give your wish lots of happy, encouraging thoughts with afformations and optimistic thinking.


If your goal or wish evolves or changes, as you work with it, allow it to shapeshift.

When it is consciously realized, celebrate and show appreciation to the universe.

Apply the techniques of Visualization to your wishes and enjoy the results!


Good Questions Provide a Key to Freedom

“Now that you have become acquainted with many ways to make good wishes and to visualize having what you want, it is time develop even more of your skills. Wish outcomes turn out better when you have clarity. Clarity comes from great questions,” says Gini.

“I had lots of time to think about which wishes I would like granted, while I was bonded. When I became free, I knew I had to make my choices count! The following lessons contain tips which came from my contemplations. Good questions are keys that unlock inner wisdom and insight. They also alert the spiritual realm that we are open and looking for answers,” shares Gini.

Genie Lesson # 63 

Ask Yourself Good Questions to Unlock Your Insights:

One way to help your wishes survive is to ask the right questions. It is essential to know how to understand what your request might bring. Good questions provide clues.

What makes a good question?

A good question is always clearly stated.

Ask only one thing.

It is not biased or loaded, so it invites an honest response.

Ask it in a neutral, not coercive tone.

Word it in a way that is easy to understand.

It answers something pertinent, timely and important.


“Good questions can lead to important insights. Remember to put your Adult Self in an authority role before asking questions to get the most out of them,” Gini suggests.


Here are some questions to contemplate

What do you want to know?

What questions can you ask yourself to get the answers?

If you could make any wish right now, what would it be?

Why do you want this wish?

What is your pain, your symptom?

What brought you to this place of pain?

Will this wish address your pain?

Will this wish take you toward something meaningful to you?

How so?

What is the outcome you hope for?

Will this wish get you to that outcome?

50 woman Wishing

“When most people are asked what they want, they rarely know. Get clear on the outcome you want from your wish. Be specific when making it,” advises Gini.

“Join me in Lumera’s Wish Room for this chapter. You get to the Wish Room by making a wish and visualizing yourself surrounded by gemstones, crystals, and ponds of clear water. When you get there, choose a crystal ball or try looking into our magical ponds to try to foresee outcomes you are interested in,” shares Gini.


Advice from the Ancients

Gini shares, “I have assembled and interviewed a community of ancient Genies for insights. They have watched humans make wishes over centuries and have given me these extra pointers, on wish making, I’d like to pass on to you.”

“But first, Laurie our author has a memory she wants to share about when she first learned to wish,” says Gini.


My Genie-Like Elementary Teacher

My grade two and three teacher Mrs. Mabel Tylosky had a markedly genie-personality. She read her students stories out loud, after lunch every day. One of the stories was Aladdin’s Lamp. Afterwards, she shared that wishes based on greed and thoughtlessness often backfire, making people’s lives worse. There are three wishes; however, that she advised were universally sound; good health, happiness and abundance. Her sage advice has stuck with me through time.


“Mrs. Tylosky was a wise woman. Her advice is 100%, Genie approved. Mrs. Tylosky’s storytelling reminds me of this quote about imagination, by Carl Sagan,” shares Gini. Imagination will carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. 


“Now here is more advice from the Genie Council to further your wish making knowledge. Most people reach a point of self-doubt in their wishing journey. They stop believing in the ability of wishes to work, or in themselves. This is simply the Internal Critic stepping in. Remember to listen briefly to what the critic says, take anything pertinent into account and then continue with your plan. Genie people sometimes lack self-confidence. Somehow, they have put all their faith in others. It is time to turn that tide. You may also notice many of my fairy cousins have shown up again in this book. They often come with plants that heal and fairy dust for wish-making. I am always so happy to join forces with them and hope you enjoy them too,” shares Gini.


Genie Lesson # 64 76 Fairy

Believe in Yourself

Belief is a potent elixir that can make or break your wish. As a genie-person, you have spent a lot of time encouraging and believing in others. You are more than enough, and you are worthy!

What have you said to encourage those you believe in, in the past?

What can you say that is equally kind and true, to yourself?

What have you done to support people in the past?

How can you kindly and consistently use the words and belief you placed in others to now support your true self?

Create an afformation to tell yourself that you believe in you! E.g. How is it you are so worthy of this wonderful wish?

Look in the mirror, focus on your eyes and tell yourself this afformation every day!


Genie Lesson # 65

Remind Yourself “Why” You Want Your Wish

Why have you committed to your goal?

Why does this goal or wish matter to you?

Be clear about the reason behind your wish.


You can’t repeat your ‘why’ often enough. It adds fuel to your fire!


Every human has four endowments: Self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond to change.        Stephen Covey


Genie Lesson # 66

Align with Synchronicity

There have been times in my life where a thought or wish, almost too good for my conscious mind to believe manifests.  Our world has sacred spaces, and blessed times. Sometimes the timing and the desire synchronize, and everything shifts. Usually, this involves doing one’s inner work ahead of time and being prepared on some level. Destinies seem to manifest spontaneously at these moments. Knowing, believing, and being open, help this sacred alignment to gel.

Alignment can also be called synchronicity, or what a friend of mine calls Kismet. Synchronicity involves meaningful coincidences. External and internal events match up. The universe can enhance your efforts when you are committed and doing what you love with purpose.



Genie Lesson # 67

Increase Your Sense of Synchronicity:

Breathe deeply.

Attune to the present moment.

Ask questions of the universe.

Tune into your intuition and inner sense of knowing.

Follow images in your mind and sensations in your body to get affirmation that you are on the right track.

Trust your intuition.

Don’t try to force it, just observe over a series of a few days.

Watch your dreams for insight and feedback.


If you do not acknowledge your yearning …

then you do not live your life, but an alien one.

But who will live your life if you do not live it?

If you give up yourself, you live it in others; thereby you become selfish,

And thus, you deceive others.  C.G. Jung The Red Book.


Genie Lesson # 68

Make A Spontaneous Wish

Another way to give a wish wings is to feel and express happiness about the wish.

Get the energy around your wish vibrating; laugh, smile, clap, get excited and believe! All of these responses attract further buoyancy. Good magic amplifies when optimism, enthusiasm and belief are added to the party.

What do you wish for right now?


Laugh, clap and believe this wish into being!

Genie Lesson # 69

Include Nature and the Fairy Folk When Wish Making

Humans have had centuries worth of wishes granted by tapping into the realm of fairies. Fairies work with nature to add hope and lightness to human life. Visualize your fairy godmother, working hand in hand with your genie. The fairy realm adds much magic to your Lumera teachings, as fairies are connected with flower essences, essential oils and wish-making itself.

Let your inner child come alive, as you embrace natural magic and your belief in wish-making.


There are as many ways to wish, as there are stars to wish on. Here are wish-making ideas from folklore. Use them to make spontaneous wishes.


Make a wish when you are in nature, dazzled by the beauty and feel one with the universe.

Make a wish when you encounter dandelion fluff.  Granted, your neighbours may berate you for spreading dandelion seeds around, but make your wish, believe and blow, planting your hope in all directions.


Finding a four-leaf clover also invites a heartfelt wish.


Horseshoes mark good luck, something very valued when making a wish!


Make a wish while blowing out your birthday candles. The annual renewal of your life-purpose, during a birthday, is a great time to confirm what is important. Visualize your goal, feel it in your body and use your breath to bring your wish to life!


Try a wish when you lose an eyelash.


Make a wish when you see a falling star; a sign from the universe that you are a part of its glorious design.


If you know of other situations that are wish-receptive, get spontaneous with your inner-genie and fairy friends and wish, away!


Genie Lesson # 70 

Increase Your Luck Through Purpose and Effort

Everyone wants to be lucky. Some people feel wishes are based on good fortune. But Mary Morrissey in her short video, ‘There’s no such Thing as Luck,’ says, “Don’t leave yourself at the mercy of circumstances, situations and conditions beyond your control. Bring luck into your life. Support can come in unexpected ways. Keep your vibration high and prime yourself by saying, ‘Things just work out for me in unexpected ways.’ Successful people prepare for luck with purpose, effort and focus.”

Mary Morrissey says, “Luck works out to be an attitude. Recognize your good fortune. Look at the world in a positive way. You can attract luck and amazing support. Do things you haven’t done before, and you will see things you haven’t seen before.”


Genie Lesson # 71

Think Long-Term

If you are thirsty and wish for a glass of water, this will be a wish that only fulfills an immediate need, as you will be thirsty again in a few hours. Wishing always to have plenty of good water, might be more beneficial. Word your wish, so the outcome lasts, as long as you need it.


Genie Lesson # 72

Get Back Up From People Who Support Your Success

Consider building a support network in case you lose steam while pursuing the steps in manifesting your goal. Work with trusted colleagues, family or those who cheer for you.  Be there to celebrate their success, as well. Think of clubs, associations or groups who might back you up. Sometimes it is worth paying to have valuable team members who know just how to help.

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