We will do this module Online. Please listen to Jenny, your virtual assistant in the bottom right corner of the page, before proceeding.

You have an assignment from this exercise. For this exercise, you will see pictures of about 200 flowers from the Californian, (FES) and English, (Healing Herb) lines. As you watch the pictures the first time write down the names of any of the flowers that resonate with you. As you rewatch the pictures choose one of the essences, as your own. Do not overthink this, nor look up what the essence is used for. Instead, this exercise is meant to attune you to choosing what you need from the look and feeling the flower brings you.
After choosing an essence you will need to start taking it. This will involve buying the essence, purchasing a 50 ml clean dropper bottle.
Note for Laurie
Run slide show. Share Screen on Zoom. Laurie Find Slide Show-
Go to- Documents-Flower Essence Slide Showpptx -when I get to the slide show- go to top bar- Slide Show- Play from Beginning
Flower Essence Slide Show-
Please watch this slide show two times. The first time record any of the flower essences you feel particularly attracted to. With the second viewing decide which flower you are most bonded with. Choose that essence to buy and take for 28 days, 4 drops per day.
Here are the assignments stemming from this exercise, taken from your outline.
Assignment Name & Number
1A) Intuitive Selection Exercise–
Assigned- Feb 25, 2022- Due April 8.
Buy Your Essence-
Create A Dosage Bottle.
Take Flower Essence for 28 days.
Keep a Journal, Outlining Your Experience.
1B) Provide Verbal feedback in class, on how visual selection worked for you during class. Assigned Feb 25, 2022. Due April 8.
5) Botanical Exercise
(To Be Presented in Class- Sun. May 15, 2022, the last class in May). Use the 12 Windows of Plant Perception Handout to formulate your talk. http://www.flowersociety.org/twelve.htm
You will not need to hand your talk in, but rather guide the class through your perceptions. You may deviate from the form and get creative, but also cover the windows thoroughly.
Start after the first weekend of class, while taking the single essence from your visual selection technique.
Details for each assignment can be found in chapter 13 if the above links do not work. You will be responsible to look up what is required and email or hand in each assignment to Laurie selfhea@telusplanet.net on the due date listed. Botanical Exercise #5 is an in-class presentation and does not need to be handed in.