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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

B. Advanced Genie Techniques

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Genie Lesson # 98 

Know You are Enough and Have Enough-

Having the attitude that you never have enough, or are enough, undermines the gifts and goodness already in your life. This attitude is what keeps commerce going. If you fall into the mindset of not being enough, you need to buy things to fill the emptiness.

Self-worth is often in short supply for genies. The temporary lift that comes from shopping or approval never lasts. The advertising industry fuels this drive. It has been drilled into you by industries that profit by creating beauty, personality and self-worth deficits. These deficits are often entirely superficial or not real. Filter out what does not serve you with this “not enough” mindset.

Instead, think of how kind you are to others, the nice things you tell them, the many ways you build their worth. Do this for yourself, now!

Much of this program has given you the exercises and tools to instill in you that you are more than enough! Repeat I am more than enough to yourself, as it is important to change the programming advertising has instilled.

Genie Lesson # 99

Practice Gratitude

Reflect on why you are grateful. Some people find that stating why they are appreciative daily reminds them of what is already right in their lives.

Showing other people gratitude is a beautiful habit most genies already have. Keep this up, if you are already doing it. Even water, when told how much it is loved, becomes more beautiful, according to water researcher, Dr. Emoto.

Giving gratitude and sincere compliments to others is a gift that genies share with people and the planet that is invaluable! Keep a gratitude journal and write about why you are already lucky and fulfilled. Update this journal when new wishes or dreams come true. Read it when you need reminding that you are blessed.

Genie Lesson # 100

Be Authentic

Ensure your wishes genuinely reflect who you are and create more situations that allow you to be genuine.

To be authentic tell yourself how you really feel. Tell others the truth about what matters to you.  Make choices that represent your truth and preferences. If you like blue clothes, wear blue. If you want to live somewhere rural, see how you can make it happen.

Sometimes people are fearful about being who they really are, as it feels vulnerable to expose this authentic piece. Take the chance!

One of the biggest regrets dying individuals have is not fully living their uniqueness or authenticity. No one else will ever be you! Your life is an opportunity to shine brightly. Although this is a short lesson, it has a broad reach.

Authenticity sets the tone for how your whole life feels.

It is the playground you bring your wishes into. Authenticity means you can be the real you without covering or excuses. Being yourself as beautifully and thoroughly as you wish is an important freedom, no genie wants to be without.

Genie Lesson # 101

Get Familiar with Your Soul Purpose

Soul-purpose is what you feel passionate about. It is not necessarily what you get paid to do. Remember at times, such as when your life is threatened, soul-purpose becomes crystal clear. It is your very personal and universal reason for being on the planet. Think deeply about what makes you truly happy? Soul-purpose is intrinsically related to your authentic nature.

What do you love to do so much you lose track of time?

What are you good at?

Who inspires you the most and why?

What do you know you are put on this earth to do?

Genie Lesson # 102

Compare Yourself to No-one

Look to where you started and how far you have come. Remember never to compare you to anyone, but yourself. This is the only sane way to measure. Remember each star in the sky shines beautifully. Each star’s brightness brings more light to other stars; they do not compete. Every flower is perfect and incomparable, so are you!

Genie Lesson # 103

Be Your Own Best Friend

My friend, psychologist, Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers, talks about the importance of being your own best friend. Best friends take their wishes seriously. They value their achievements and abilities. They clear the path to devote time and attention to what is meaningful to them. Be your own best friend, while you grant your wishes.


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