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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. The Wish Called Fame

The Northern Star College offers a Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, e-course. We also have Distance Education Courses available.

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Genie Lesson # 7

“Hi Joey,” smiles Gini, as her feathered friend hops on her shoulder.

“It is so good to see you my sweet bird. Thanks for joining us and sharing your light, hummingbird energy. I’m not sure if our students remember, but every time the two of us get together, spontaneous wishes pop up, from our magical connection. So, whenever you visit, Joey, we will all share a wish!”

“The wish called ‘fame’ is forming now,” says Joey.

“I hope students think about this wish well before deciding, as it is double-edged,” says Gini.

Decide How Much Fame You Would Like

The Wish Called Fame

Be Careful What You Wish For-

Fame can be tantalizing. No-one wants to be invisible, nor overlooked. Being seen and adored in the eyes of those we care for is very affirming.  Being praised by others is also an elixir.

It seems unfair at times that some people are so easily recognized for their skills and talents, while others who contribute so much, are not. Like all other wishes, however, fame can have drawbacks.

It is hard for famous people to know if they are admired for who they are deep inside, or only for superficial reasons, making trust difficult.

Famous people may feel they have to look and act as if they are perfect so that they do not get criticized. And at times, those who are well-known may feel alone.

So, before you wish for fame, understand the various facets of this wish.


Some Ideas to Help You Become Famous

Assess your gifts. Genies have many special abilities that they often take for granted and think everyone share.

Identify your unique skills.

Develop your talents.

Ensure you put your genius out into the world. Exhibiting your skills may take a lot of work, be prepared. It can be easy to turn people off if you do this piece poorly.

Some people become acclaimed because they accomplish something remarkable. They may see problems that exist and find useful ways to solve them.

Be yourself and find your flair and style, if you seek to be renowned. Copying others is less personally satisfying, or professionally distinct.

Find good mentors to hone your skills.

And of course, practice until you are competent.

These days it seems you have to brand yourself, to build a profile and get out on social media. I would suggest you keep that image authentic to who you are.

Also, how much fame is enough? For some of us being recognized by those we love is a fantastic reward. Other people need a bigger audience.

Have resilience and don’t be afraid to fail, as there can be ups and downs along the way. Remember, there is always a cost to each wish and privacy and trust may be the price paid for fame.


Have you ever wished for fame?


How might fame impact your life positively?


How might fame leave a negative imprint on your life?


What plan might you implement to grant yourself the wish fame?

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Northern Star Courses

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