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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. The Awareness Crisis & the 4-R’s

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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The Awareness Crisis-

Healing can involve discomfort. With flower essences, which do not contain physical components of plants the discomfort is to mental/emotional/spiritual awareness and shifts. Yet, this reaction to transformation can show up in many ways.

An awareness crisis refers to a situation when one is taking a remedy and negative emotional states are magnified. In alternative health, this is referred to as a Healing Crisis and may deal more with physical shifts.

When using Flower Essences the Awareness Crisis that may occur is a transformation of emotional/soul patterns. For example, someone taking Scarlet Monkeyflower may intensely feel repressed anger for a period of up to several days.

The purpose of an awareness crisis is to bring the repressed matter to our attention so that we may witness its dysfunction and make other choices about integrating it more appropriately into our lives. In this way, it is an opportunity to come to terms with dysfunction and shadow in a way that allows the soul to grow. In short, an awareness crisis is an invitation for soul transformation. Be that as it may, a client may find it distressing.

The Awareness Crisis and The 4 Stages of Transformation- (The 4-R’s)

There are several ways to handle the distress of an Awareness Crisis and all are recommended: based on Kaminski ( 1996). & Scheffer ( 1996)

In Awareness Crisis Changes May Occur Such As:

• breathing pattern (becoming slower and deeper)

• patterns of tension or holding

• perceived body temperature (warmer flow)

• feeling of being in the body (e.g. more grounded, lighter)

• the need for rest (lethargy, exhaustion, or feeling more energetic.

Shifts in psychic awareness such as

• more vivid dreaming

• dreams more easily remembered

Changes in emotional or mental awareness acute awareness of the issue at hand (e.g., talcing Scarlet Monkeyflower and becoming increasingly aware of repressed anger).

l. Reduce the likelihood of an awareness crisis.
The more self-aware the client is, the less likely s/he will be to experience an awareness crisis. Thus any vehicles for self-awareness are useful as support when taking flower essence remedies.

• daisy mandala

• journalling

• drawing

• dreamwork

• specific movies, books, etc. dealing with the issue at hand. For ideas, see Brussat. F. & Brussat, M. A. (2000). Spiritual Rx. Prescriptions for living a meaningful life. New York: Hyperion. 2. Prepare the client for the possibility of an awareness crisis by briefly describing the likely signs.

Inform the c1ient that such signs usually last no more than three or four days. In other words, they will pass.

Assure the client that this is not a relapse. Rather it is setting the stage for transformation.

Encourage self-care practices (walking, a favourite meal or treat).

• Encourage self-nurturance (e.g., bodywork, relying on friends).

• Encourage self-reflection( e.g., anger versus calm, sad versus happy). What new possibility that is offered goes beyond the current polarity? Stress the opportunity for soul work.

Suggest outside counsel (e.g., psychotherapeutic assistance) if the issues brought to awareness are highly troubling or deeply embedded; know the scope of your practice.

4. Alter the remedy

• Add a toner.

Advise the client on how to reduce the dosage (start by cutting in half or more, then build up slowly).

• Suggest the addition of topical essences or flower oils, in addition to oral dosage.

Cut out the essence and use it as a spray, or a few drops in the bath, if there is too much discomfort.

The Four Stages of Transformation- The 4 Stages of R’s

1. Release, Relaxation, or Rejuvenation. – Tends to happen in the body

2. Realization and Recognition. Mental Field, Shadow emerges.

3. Reaction, Resistance, and Recognition. Goes Deep. Visits the past to observe and feel dysfunctional patterns, old contracts, ancestral patterns. This can be the most challenging, stage, but it is here deep, permanent shifts can occur.

4. Renewal and Reconstellation.- The Present and Future. New ways of Being

Belief Systems Might Hold A Key to Transformation and Change, Video


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