Course Overview Video-
Combining and Creating Flower Essence Blends-
Our animated characters will reveal different ways to imagine and create flower essence blends.
An Introduction to Combining:
Emma S. a former student of Laurie and Robert talks about Blending Flower Essences
The Guidelines for Combining and The Affinity Relationship in Blends–
Video on Combining-
Flower Essence Combining Exercises–
Try out what you just learned from Emma. Construct different blends with a partner from class. Come back to our group –
(Laurie assign a time) and share your formulas.
Exercises on Combining
Construct a remedy based on a theme.
1. Heather has body image problems. She is reluctant to go out of the house due to how she feels about her body. She gorges with food and then forces herself to vomit. This has caused, among other problems a skin condition on her face and hands.
2. Mary is shy and hates crowds; they overwhelm her. She is also afraid to perform in front of others.
3. Joe’s dog died last week. He is inconsolable. He misses his dog and has stopped eating and wishes he could set the clock back to when his dog was alive.
Construct a remedy based on botanical family.
1. Jenny has difficulty with her menstrual cycle. When she starts menstruating she feels puffy and uncomfortable, although not really sick. She wants to skip work. Her work environment is competitive and unsupportive.
2. Alfred always worries that he doesn’t have enough money. He also has adult acne, which bothers him. He’d like to get married, but never can find the right woman. He puts an idea of the woman he would like on a pedestal and finds real women, do not measure up.
3. Sara is a perfectionist and has zero tolerance for making mistakes. She lacks confidence and is afraid to speak up.
Construct a remedy based on a colour chord:
1) Sam is burned out from overworking. He has stiff shoulders and his backaches. No one knows this, because he puts on a happy face.
2) Peter never got over the loss of his father when he was a young child. He has no faith that things will turn out better in his life.
3) Donna is a writer, but she is constantly drained. She is aggressive about selling her stories. She has no problems making friends but becomes afraid when an intimate relationship might become sexual.
Construct a polar dyad:
1. Ann is a holistic health practitioner. She goes out of her way to help her clients at the expense of her emotional health. “If they are happy, I am happy. If they are sad, so am I.”
Construct a duo combination for the following.
1. Maxine is easily irritated by what her mother does. Nothing her mother says or does is right and it drives her up the wall. Anger wells inside her and explodes, suddenly.
2. Nadine hates to be alone. She will do anything to have company. When that doesn’t work, she talks to her friends for hours on the phone. Her relationships tend to be superficial because she is afraid to expose her feelings to others.
3. Fred’s wife has asked for a divorce. His chest feels like there is a hold in it. The more he thinks about it, the more resentful he becomes.
4. Sam is an industrial designer. He is very finicky about things. If a picture is off by a fraction, he feels the need to straighten it out. He is also very environmentally sensitive and has allergies.
5. Joe is spiritual and considering the priesthood. Yet he says he has had bad health and a poor immune system. He feels he might not survive if he was assigned to the third world.