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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Student Presentations-Honouring the Devas

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Aromatherapy Assignment

Honouring 3 Plant Devas-
Your Creative Contribution!

You were asked to complete this assignment for today earlier in the course. This is a reminder. Could you take a minute to listen to your animated instructor’s view on this?

You’re free to work on the project in whichever space on the ship you prefer.



Here is an overview of the assignment.

You can choose three oils you have studied with which you would like to work further.
Create three projects answering why this oil is important.
How is it used?
What are its main qualities?
What distinguishes it from other oils in its family?
What are the cautions?
How do you feel about it?
How do you, or might you, use this essential oil?

Creatively present your results in a way other online learners can benefit.

Put the project in a format we can add to our course. This might be an MP4 video, a poem in Word format, a photo of a picture you painted, etc. Presentations will take about 5 minutes each, 15-20 minutes per individual presenter. You can use creative techniques to relay what you know about the oils to the class.

The purpose of each activity you create is to deepen and enrich the knowledge of essential oils for classmates and self and present aspects of the oils that reinforce memory about important properties of the oils or present new information. You are the ambassador of 3 devas and have the honour of representing them in a way that will make the world aware of what they have to offer.

This program is rich with examples of what other students have created. We look forward to your demonstration of your genius.

 Please submit to Laurie-


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Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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