Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Start Your Aromatic Adventure!

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

Welcome to the Northern Star College, Practical Potions Introductory, Apprenticeship Adventure

Your Aromatic Adventure Has Begun
Please Press Play – Jo Anna, our tour guide, narrates.

We are happy to have you join us to learn more about aromatherapy.

Welcome to the Practical Potions, Introductory Apprentice Ship Adventure.

This program is a deep dive into aromatherapy crafted from our 35-plus years of experience and commitment. Our journey began in a physical classroom in the late 1980s, evolved into an online program seven years ago, and is a robust program split into Introductory and Advanced segments today.

This isn’t a swift skim across essential oils; it’s a comprehensive exploration designed with hundreds of hours of research and experience, focusing on aromatherapy’s scientific and intuitive sides.

As we’ve transitioned online, we host a Facebook group for our community to connect, ensuring that shared learning and community remain. Our courses are frequently updated with the latest findings, accessible anytime—even in your pyjamas. We look forward to having you onboard!

Sincerely, Laurie and Robert

How to Navigate Your Adventure-

Units & Lessons:
Course Schedule:
All lessons will be available after you purchase the course.
Or if you are taking the Free Cruise, you will receive the first leg of the journey.

Please do one chapter at a time without too much peaking ahead. Moving sequentially will allow a more thorough experience.

To navigate through the chapters, scroll to the purple table of contents bar toward the top of the page. Press it to see the units and lessons. Then, tap on the lesson you wish to advance to.

Animated Helpers:

There are many animated helpers on this journey, like Jo Anna, the tour guide. If they ever get in the way of you pressing the “next” button to move forward in a lesson, hover over the animated figure with your cursor until an x appears. Press the x, and the helper will temporarily disappear. You may get the animated helper back by pressing the refresh button at the top of your screen. Also, the helper sometimes talks when you are trying to watch a video or read. If you hover over the character, a mute button will appear. Press the mute symbol, and the animation will be silenced. Press it again to resume its speech.

There is much aromatic territory to explore. Let’s Begin.

Enjoy Your Aromatic Adventure, and Welcome Aboard!

If you have questions about administration, please contact our office- Catherine nsc@northernstarcollege.com.
If you have questions about content, contact Laurie, selfheal@telusplanet.net


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