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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Sacred Circle

The Northern Star College offers a Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, e-course. We also have Distance Education Courses available.

Questions or Comments?

Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Sacred circle and sharing stories.

A reminder of the Legal Responsibility for this Program-


All information on this site is private and cannot be shared, or used in any other manner, except your personal learning.

The classes from Northern Star College comprise one part of your education and express the viewpoints of the instructors. Please make good, thorough decisions about your wellbeing. Get good medical advice when called for and seek medical attention for yourself, your family, and clients when necessary. Neither Northern Star College nor any of its instructors accept legal responsibility for the way you use this information.


Sacred Circle Outline- Aromacleanse-

Light Candle- intention below in Welcome.

Welcome- The mission of our group is to experience a circle. To try applying focused listening and thoughtful speaking using a talking stick.

Quieting—Talk a few minutes to become calm and quiet. Notice your breath. Breathe in and out three times. Leave any other issues outside the door.

Touch In- Left palm up receiving Right palm down sending.

Circle Process- We sit facing each other. Whoever has the stick speaks. We speak thoughtfully. There is no blaming or shaming others. We speak from our hearts, about ourselves, our feelings. We take responsibility for what we say.

The rest of the community listens. If you have a theory on how a person should live their life, or fix their issue, come back to your heart. Breathe out your distracting thought and come back to the listener. Listen to your heart.

Today we discuss, briefly, how we are today, (our emotional tone) if we have ever been excluded from power in the past. This is a way to share it and be inclusive at the same time. (How to apply the circle in your life- family, work, community).

The stick will be put back in the middle until everyone has a chance to use it. No-one will be rushed. If we wish to pass on speaking we may, but we reserve the right to use the talking stick up until the end of the circle.

End with closing thoughts and a thank you to the ancestors of the circle, peer spirit, and Kathleen Thompson.

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Questions or Comments?

Ask Robert Rogers or Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Northern Star Courses

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