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With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Optimisim

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Ch 10- The Magic Carpet Ride

Look on the Bright Side and Fly Very High

 I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Stephen Covey

Genie Lesson # 87

Cultivate Optimism

What helps you regain optimism and hope? Is this a skill in which you are interested? If so, you’ll be happy to know that optimism can be cultivated. It is also associated with traits that complement advanced wish making; better health, lower stress and higher motivation, according to Kendra Cherry, in an online article in “Verywell.”

Kendra says there are a few differences between optimists and pessimists. “When things go wrong optimists lay the blame on others or external circumstances. Pessimists blame themselves. Optimists take credit for good events happening, while pessimists link happy outcomes to external influences.”

“Optimists view bad times as temporary, while pessimists see negative events as permanent and unchangeable. This is why pessimists are more likely to give up,” writes Cherry.

“Optimists also think they are more resilient and can bounce back. When optimists experience failure in one area, they don’t let in influence their beliefs about their abilities in other areas. Pessimists view setbacks as pervasive, believing if they fail at one thing they will fail at all things,” Cherry explains.

This evidence suggests optimism is worth learning.

It sounds like optimists take less responsibility on some level than pessimists but have better personal outcomes. If you would like to learn more about this model check it out in Magical Secret Passage F at the back of the book.

Genie Lesson # 88

Do More of What Makes You Optimistic to Bring Up Your Mood

Here are some ways you can coax your sunny side:

Practice meditation, prayer, journaling, uplifting music, movies or talk to an encouraging person.

Imagine positive rather than negative outcomes.

Exercise both gets your endorphins flowing and increases a positive frame of mind.

Dance like no-one’s watching to feel happier.

Accomplishing part of your goal or wish is also a very potent “upper.”

Choose language that is reinforcing to your wishes and kind to your soul.

Find upbeat people to reinforce your positivity.

Watch a funny movie with an encouraging message.

Read a book that is cheerful and inspiring.

Keep attuned to the present moment and stay mindful.

Cultivate the attitude that setbacks are temporary and that you will bounce back.

Optimism and Pessimism Are Both Gifts

Remember there are ups and downs in a day and it is natural to swing from feeling hopeful to helpless. If you are feeling pessimistic know this response also has an upside.

Pessimists are better at coping when things go wrong and more talented at scenario building and thinking of alternative ways to approach situations. Pessimists cope better when things do fall apart.

But the optimistic viewpoint will help you reframe events to heighten your sense of hope and trust. Believing that your actions make a difference will uplift you and help you bounce back from setbacks.

“You are an optimist,” says Gini, as she spots Joey the hummingbird.

“I may be,” says Joey. “You seem to have both sides, as you range from optimistic to concerned, some days,” says Joey.

Gini smiles and nods in agreement.

“I am always here to cheer you up, Gini. I need some cuddles,” says Joey as he flies onto Gini’s shoulder.

“Oh, Joey,” Gini laughs. “You are such an adorable being.”


The ABCDE Model of Optimism.

Kendra Cherry-

quotes work done on optimism by Martin Seligman, who used an ABCDE model

A-    Adversity-

Is a challenging situation that calls for a response, such as health, family, or job.

B-    Belief-

Note the thoughts going through your mind when you think about this adversity. Be honest. Negative beliefs or doubt may harm your outcome.

C-    Consequence-

Consider the consequences and behaviours that resulted from the beliefs you have. Did these beliefs result in positive actions, or did they stop you from getting your outcome?  Negative beliefs might interfere with you getting your wish.

D-    Dispute-

Dispute your beliefs. Argue with any beliefs that are harming you. Challenge your assumptions.

E-    Energization-

Do you feel more energized and optimistic after challenging your negative beliefs? You may feel more hopeful after challenging yourself, instead of stopping.

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