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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Flower & Mushroom Essences

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Ch 3. The Magical Elixirs- Entice Genie with Flowers

 “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.” – Stephen Richards

Gini enters the classroom to say, “I’d like to introduce you to Trua your human instructor. She will teach this class, as flowers are her specialty!”

Trua, a dark-eyed, petite woman smiles and says, “I am a big fan of plant medicine. It is such a helpful resource, so we are introducing it early in your Genie Training. If you know about flower essences and essential oils, you can start to use them now. This will help you integrate the other lessons better.”

“Our human author, Laurie, her husband Robert Rogers, and their partner, Catherine Potter have a sister school to Lumera, called the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. They have taught many crops of students to use flower essences, herbs and essential oils. I have taken their Earth Spirit Medicine Program and will pass on a little of what they have taught me. Right now, just realize that using essential oils and especially flower essences will help you more easily absorb other Genie skills.”

“Flower essences are connected to fairy healing and called “magical elixirs” by Genies. Flower essences will not replace the other self-awareness and inner growth techniques. They will, however, reinforce and anchor your intentions and wishes,” emphasizes Trua.

“Many people know about aromatherapy, but few know about flower essences. Please join me as we move into the Potions Room in Lumera. You will smell many living plants, see hundreds of bottles of exotic flower essences and essential oils. It is a living greenhouse,” explains Trua. “You will spot many of our fairy cousins in this wing of Lumera, as plant medicine is their specialty.”

“You get to the Potions Room by inhaling the scent of a rose or rose essential oil or by remembering the fragrance of your favourite flower, while you feel the power of love wash over you. Take a few minutes to practice,” Trua suggests.

“I love flowers of all types. I adore the ones that scent this classroom, as well as green plants, like the Peace lily, which keep our air clean. Plants are our healers. They include medicinal herbs for physical illness and green foods, which nourish one’s body,” continues Trua.

“But today,” says Trua “I will focus on flower essences, the subtle elixirs useful to amplify the effects of goal setting and wish-making.”

“Flower essences are different than aromatherapy, where essential oils are used. Both of these offshoots of plant medicine are complementary to wish-making. Flower essences, however, are a vibrational energy, which when used under the tongue, may amplify intentions. Therefore, they are like fuel for wishes. Using them may help boost the chances of your wishes working,” says Trua.

“Let’s explore the history of flower essences by starting with Dr. Bach, a pioneer, in flower essence therapy. Even though he was a medical doctor, he had the ability to attune to plant medicine tapping into fairy and genie healing methods,” continues Trua.

 Genie Lesson # 9

Learn About Flower Essences

Dr. Bach, the English physician, brought flower essences to the western world in the early 1900s. He used these essences, taken orally, under the tongue for healing spiritual and emotional patterns that were not addressed elsewhere in medicine. Bach felt they were a solution for helping people align their soul and purpose. He thought misalignment was the reason behind some disease. His early book, Heal Thyself, is considered a monumental contribution to the subject.

Dr. Bach’s remedies have been on the market in the U.K. for nearly a century. They are unique remedies that address emotional issues, ranging from fear to lethargy. For almost a hundred years Bach remedies have maintained a loyal following, and their use has spread to many other continents.

“Many flower essence companies have arisen since Dr. Bach’s discovery,” Trua states. “Practitioners often favour plants native to their geographical region. Our author, Laurie Szott-Rogers and her husband, Robert Rogers were part of the initial wave of flower essence practitioners in North America.”

Genie Lesson # 10

Learn How Flower Essences Work

There is very little plant material in a flower essence. They work on the principle of vibrational healing; more like the transformation experienced from beautiful music, or seeing an inspirational work of art, writes Patricia Kaminski in The Flower Essence Repertory, pg. 7. Patricia goes on to say, “That the light or sound waves which reach our senses may evoke profound feelings in our soul, which indirectly affect our breathing, pulse rate and other physical states. These patterns do not impact us by direct physical or chemical interventions in our bodies.”

In the documentary, Water: The Mystery of Life (2011) scientists experimented on water and found that it seems to retain information and has a memory. They found that when they froze droplets of water on glass slides, it formed a different pattern, depending on who handled it. Water reacts to the energy of people.

They also showed the patterns of water on glass slides that had held different flowers. The slides had a specific image of the plant that was placed on them. The image looked like a hologram of the flower itself, posing more questions about the possibilities of flower essences, (a mixture of water and flowers), having a distinct pattern or vibration that is visible, with the right equipment.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, (2005) in Japan also experienced interesting results with water. He found that water responded to words. Words spoken to water and written on water containers could influence the way the crystal patterns of frozen water formed. Words like love and thank-you caused the water analyzed in his research to form more beautiful patterns, than water exposed to angry or unhappy words.

We don’t know precisely how flower essences work, but their gentle vibration encourages healing for many people and animals. They are also a wonderful tool to magnify wishes and intentions, as a whole, but are not yet understood scientifically.

You’re frustrated because you keep waiting for the blooming of flowers of which you have yet to sow the seeds.”   ― Steve Maraboli,

 Genie Lesson # 11

Flower Essences Are Not Essential Oils

“As I touched on earlier,” says Trua. “Flower essences are not essential oils. Flower essences are very mild, have only the scent of brandy and can be taken internally unless there is a sensitivity to alcohol.”

“Essential oils are steam distilled, or cold pressed from plants. They are potent, as it can take up to a pound of the plant to make a few drops of essential oil. Essential oils have an intense scent of the plant they originate from and should not, in most cases, be used internally,” relays Trua.

“Essential oils are also a way to enhance wishes, but they are a different modality than flower essences,” says Trua.

“Various essential oil blends that address many genie challenges and wishes can be found in Magical Secret Passage C. Laurie has created all of these combinations over the last 30 years at her and her husband’s company, Self Heal Distributing or Scents of Wonder. You can look at all the properties of oils and flower essences mentioned in the book, on this site. The blends suggested are specific to their company,” says Trua.

“You will also find a free link to The Practical Potions Online Sample Course, at Northern Star College, we think you will love,” continues Trua.

Check Out the Free Cruise Aromatherapy Introduction-

Genie Lesson # 12 

How to Take the Flower Essences

“Now, back to flower essences,” says Trua. “You may take flower essences directly from the stock bottle, the form they are sold in.”

To use the essences from the stock bottle, take seven drops under the tongue two times daily, or 4 drops four times daily. If this does not feel right to you, honour your intuition about how often and how much to take. Some people determine the amount by testing with a pendulum, muscle testing or asking their inner self. Feel free to use your intuition to decide on the strength of the blend and the frequency you ingest.

Flower essence drops may be added to a glass of water, or your water bottle and consumed throughout the day. Flower essences may also be squirted into a mister bottle and sprayed around the body and home. Mist the “halo” above your head, as you think of your intention.

Add 10-20 drops of flower essences into a bath. They combine beautifully with essential oils if you like an aromatic bath.

You may also apply them topically on your body or add them to body cream.

Flower essences are very safe, providing you do not have a sensitivity to brandy. You cannot overdose taking them.

But, if the process of soul awareness feels too fast, it can be uncomfortable. With flower essence healing you are always in the driver’s seat and determine the dose you wish to take. You are in control. At least with this one aspect of life.

 Flowers are wishes with petals.

Genie Lesson # 13  

Make Your Own Blend of Flower Essences to Amplify Your Wish                                                                                           

Flower essences also continue to work well if they are diluted into a dosage bottle. To do this, get a 50 ml amber glass, dropper bottle. Fill it three-quarters of the way with spring water, or fresh water. Add brandy or another pure alcohol to the mixture. (Dr. Bach prefers brandy because it best holds the vibration of the essences). However, many of our clients prefer a non-cream-based liqueur, of their choosing.

If you use only a single flower essence add seven drops of flower essence from the stock bottle into your glass dropper bottle with alcohol and water to create a dosage bottle.

If you use more than one flower essence and create a blend, use 2-7 drops of each of the chosen essences to make up the dosage bottle. You may take the blend, 4 drops 4 x daily, or as your intuition suggests, as flower essences are very safe.

Shake your essence before taking it, to wake up the vibration of the flowers, or potentize the bottle. This is known as succussing.

Alcohol is used to preserve flower essences to deter bacteria. If you ever accidentally touch the dropper to your mouth, or your hands, rinse it under hot water as soon as you can and then wipe the dropper with a clean tissue before putting it back in the bottle.

If there is sensitivity to alcohol, use apple cider vinegar, as one-third to one-half of the mixture, with water, instead of brandy or liquors to create the Dosage Bottle, for your daily use. For children, dilute the essences with half water and half vegetable glycerin, instead of alcohol.

 Genie Lesson # 14 

Choose the Right Times to Take Your Magical Elixirs

Flower essences work best on the subconscious mind. Take your magical elixirs in the morning when you awaken and in the evening before drifting into sleep.  These are the times when the portals between the worlds are the thinnest and essences are most likely to affect your subconscious. If you are taking them more than twice a day, find times when you are relaxed and can get into the ritual. Take your flower essences before meditating, bathing or enjoying a relaxing lunch. Repeat your intention or wish while taking the essences.

Genie Lesson # 15

Determine How Long to Take Your Flower or Mushroom Essence Blend

Flower essences are meant to be taken long-term to break down old, repetitive patterns. Make a blend when you are granted your first wish.

It is generally advisable to take your flower or mushroom essences for a minimum of 28 days, one complete lunar cycle. Some flower essences can be taken situationally. For example, every time you wish to guard a boundary, you may take wolf willow and do the accompanying, boundary enforcing exercise, afformation, and visualization with it. Or take some drops every time you want to reinforce your wish. Some people carry The Healing Herbs, five flower formula when they shop, to rebalance their energy-body.

Genie Lesson # 16

Learn How Mushroom Essences Might Help You

Mushroom essences use the vibration of the mushroom, rather than the physical substance. They are much like flower essences but made with mushrooms, rather than plants.  According to Robert Rogers, creator of the mushroom essences, “they represent the underworld and under-belly energy of the planet. Unlike flower essences that bring (sun)light into areas of darkness, due to the solar connection; fungi are lunar, dark and mysterious,” says Robert in his book, Mushroom Essences.

Like all manner of living beings, they express energetic fields, for those willing to observe, listen and feel. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, mushroom essences may help peel away the steely bars of long-held, emotional and mental imprisonment by encouraging the soul to express itself.

Mushroom essences bring awareness about our shadow side. They represent deep and difficult issues surrounding the “winter of the soul.” They can be used with flower essences synergistically.

Clare Harvey, an English practitioner, put it well. “Mushroom essences are perfectly suited to match or complement flower essences. In these combinations, flower essences act on the emotional body, while mushroom essences carry these changes to the physical level, integrating the energy absorbed into the cells. Mushroom essences should be tested before being used. The user must be ready to deal with the deep issues holding them back. This process is not always comfortable. Timing is all important when taking mushroom essences; the individual needs to be mature and strong enough to cope with the confrontation of deep issues and be able to process the information that is released.”

Flower and mushroom essences do not cure physical issues. Never stop your medications when using them. Mushroom essences are a tool for human genies ready to confront shadow pieces, standing in the way of their wishes.

Combining Flower or Mushroom Essences

A singular essence that pinpoints a valid psychological soul issue can be beneficial on its own. Combining mushroom and flower essences is also desirable at times. Do not use more than five essences, as the mixture becomes too convoluted. Less really can be more. When working on your wishes, one to three essences, which directly support your desire is advised.

Where to Get Flower or Mushroom Essences?

There are hundreds of flower essences. The flower essences, called Magical Elixirs by Genies that address emotional issues common to genie-people are listed in the next lesson.

We carry the largest selection of flower and mushroom essences in Canada. We produce the Prairie Deva Flower Essences and Mushroom Essences. We are also the Canadian distributor of Healing Herbs from England and the Californian, FES essences, from Sierra Nevada, California.

You can look up more detail on any of the single essential oils, flower essences or aromatic blends by going to our website-, selecting the appropriate category and then choosing that oil or essence. A write up will appear for each product selected. All aromatic blends are from the Scents of Wonder Line and can also be found at our online store.

If you are American, go to to buy the English, Healing Herb or the Californian, Flower Essence Society, Flower Essences.

Now that you know about a few flower or mushroom essences pertinent to genies, let’s explore more about how to use them.

 Genie Lesson # 17

Use Flower and Mushroom Essences to Reinforce Your Wishes

Flower essences are natural elixirs from plants and mushrooms. They hold the vibrational essences of the plant or mushroom they are taken from. They work to reinforce your intentions when you repeat your afformation as you take them, and then follow up with action. This makes the essences a potent mind seed to help plant and anchor your wishes.

Calibrate the Flower Essences

If you experience too many changes, too quickly and wish to slow things down-

Take fewer drops of the essence.

Take the flower essence less frequently.

Realize even one or two drops once or twice a week may be enough for some people.

Try using the essences topically, like in a bath, instead of internally.

 Whenever you are feeling stuck in your life, remember there are 1440 minutes in the day, which means, you have 1440 chances to do something different and change your life.

Genie Lesson # 18     

If You Do Not Notice Change, Try New Strategies

Take more drops of the essence.

Take the drops more frequently.

Take the essences in a quiet space and use afformations, (power words, covered in a later chapter).

Give the seeds of change time to plant.

Ensure you have taken the dose for at least 28 days, a lunar cycle.

Check in with your body. Are changes happening, but you are not present to acknowledge them?

Check your dream life and synchronicities in your life for more clues.

Consider that the essences chosen may not be suited to you.

Or, this modality is not working for you at this time.

Genie Lesson # 19

Can Flower Essence Cure Physical Illness?

The Flower Essence Society says, “Flower essences do not work bio-chemically as aspirin does for a headache, but they can affect our experience of our bodies. For example, essences which help release emotional stress may result in less physical tension. Someone who overworks may discover just how tired he or she is.”

“Flower essences can help people who suffer from physical illness by addressing the emotional responses to the illness, and by working with the underlying conflicts and tensions that may have contributed to the onset of the illness. However, flower essences are not a cure for any specific illness. Flower essences are chosen on the basis of mental and emotional issues, rather than specific physical ailments.”

Genie Lesson # 20

Passion flower

Go Deeper Into the Flower Essence

In the time you are engaged with using the essence to reinforce your wish, meditate on the meaning of the plant or mushroom. Look for purpose in your behaviours and attitudes and watch for synchronicities. Place some photos of the plant in your environment.

Some people like to download images of the essences they are taking onto their phones and computer screens or bring cut flowers into their homes. Introduce the colour of the plants you are using into your environment and benefit from the combined beauty of colour and plant therapy.

Remember as you work with essences, more is not better. Flower essences are not just another product meant to produce fast results; instead, they work with you at an appropriate pace, sometimes bringing light to deep soul patterns. There can be discomfort as old patterns rear up, to allow you to get a clear picture of what is going on. This does not mean the situation is getting worse; instead, it is coming into clear focus. When this happens, you can decide if you want to keep these thoughts or behaviours or allow them to dissolve.

And remember Trua’s advice, Flower essences and aromatherapy may help you integrate and anchor your genie lessons more easily, but they will not substitute for doing the readings, learning new skills and practicing them in your life.

Journal Exercises

Identify your main key issue, what is causing problems now?

Which flower essences mentioned might be applicable?

Is there any way you feel out of alignment with your soul purpose?

If so, what is ailing you?

Write down 1 or 2 lessons from this chapter you would like to include in your action plan at the end of the book.

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