Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Dr. Bach

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 


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Please click Emma your animated helper on the bottom of the page. She will tell you a bit about the Healing Herb, (Bach Flower Essences) and Dr. Bach, himself. Next, you will find a video, below on a bit of Dr. Bach’s history and philosophy.
Read the Bibliographical outline below the video, to get an idea of some of Dr. Bach’s accomplishments.
There is a link at the bottom of the page from the flower essence society, to download the booklet on Dr. Bach’s, Healing Herb Remedies. Please take the time to see what the flowers look like and read about them.
This is a succinct and useful pamphlet.

Dr. Bach, Some History and His Philosophy

Biographical Outline of Dr. Edward Bach

1886 September 24-born at Mosely. England
1902 Left school.
1903-1906 Worked in Bach Brass Foundry to earn money for Medical School; joined Worcestershire Yeomanry.
1906 Entered Birmingham University to begin medical training.
1912 Transferred to University College Hospital. London to complete medical training; conjoint diploma of M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
1913 MB., B.S. Degrees; appointed Casualty Medical Officer at University College Hospital; opened Harley Street private practice.
1914 Diploma of Public Health (D.P.H. Camb.); Assistant Bacteriologist at University School of Medicine; discovered intestinal vaccines given by injection.
1915 In charge of 400 war beds (WWI) at University College Hospital; Demonstrator and Clinical Assistant of Bacteriology to Hospital Medical School.
1917 (age 31) Severe hemorrhage, parents authorized operation; diagnosis: temporary recovery, three months to live.
1918 Influenza epidemic -unofficially inoculated troops in certain camps successfully; resigned University College Hospital; furnished own laboratory; maintained Harley Street practice.
1919 Pathologist and Bacteriologist at London Homeopathic Hospital; developed seven Bach Nosodes, oral vaccines.
1920 Beginning of published articles in professional journals to broadcast knowledge of his discoveries.
1922 Resigned post at London Homeopathic Hospital; relocated and expanded private laboratory; maintained Harley Street practice; instructor, writer, lecturer.
1924 Effects of diet in relation to disease – “Intestinal Toxemia in its Relation to Cancer” -paper presented to British Homeopathic Congress, London.
1926 Published book, Chronic Disease: A Working Hypothesis, written in collaboration with Dr. Wheeler; facilitated the acceptance of oral vaccines.
1928 Found first three of the thirty-eight remedies which would replace the seven Bach Nosodes; first public statement of medical trends to come.
1929 Gave up all other methods of treatment and used three herbal remedies while seeking others.
1930 Divided up private practice; closed laboratory; sold apparatus and furniture; burned pamphlets and papers. smashed syringes, vaccine bottles; threw out vaccine contents; left completion of the methodology of prescribing seven Bach Nosodes to assistants; said good-byes to friends and Masonic Lodge, and left London. Knew he possessed healing power in his hand. Arrived in Wales with a suitcase of shoes.
May-July – Discovered sun method of potentizing.
June-July – Wrote book Heal Thyself, too revolutionary to be published.
August – Found and prepared nine additional herbal remedies.
1931 Published Heal Thyself, found and prepared three more remedies; wrote the book Free Thyself.
1932 Advertised herbal remedies in two large daily papers; correspondence from General Medical Council.
1933 Spring – Wrote manuscript and printed locally in pamphlet form The Twelve Healers, which became the name of his system of herbal medicine.
Fall- Published book The Twelve Healers and Four Helpers.
1934 Wrote and published The Twelve Healers and Seven Helpers, the second edition; settled in Sotwell, England.
1935 Discovered the remaining nineteen herbal remedies; published in leaflet form and inserted into the book, The Twelve Healers and Seven Helpers.
1936 at age 50 Responded to General Medical Council: declared himself an herbalist; declared it the duty and privilege of any physician to teach others how to heal themselves and that he was deserting orthodox medicine. Published The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies, third edition.
September 24 – Gave lecture, “The Healing Herbs;” basis for a lecture tour to spread knowledge of remedies amongst the general public.
Became seriously ill; trained team of assistants to carry on work. November 27 – Edward Bach died in his sleep.

References (all available from Flower Essence Services)
1. Nora Weeks, The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach. Physician (out of print, check availability)
2. Julian Barnard, ed. Collected Writings of Edward Bach
3. Julian Barnard, Patterns of Life Force
4. Julian and Martine Barnard, The Healing Herbs of Edward Bach




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