Journaling, Sacred Circle and Sharing Stories
Build a circle of trust. Share your story. In which areas of your life, (love, money, family, etc) have you made bad decisions? Where have you made good choices? What is your family pattern with intuition?
Ask class- what is intuition?
Why are you interested in intuition?
Why journal- pg 19
How to get over resistance.p 5, exercise pg. 28 and practical potions, the front of journal 1.
privacy issues pg Participatory- Write a 1-2 page autobiography.
Include exercises:
Provide some facts. What makes you passionate? What makes you happy? What makes you sad?
Has intuition ever been helpful to you? How did you recognize it? Where in your body did you feel it? What were the results?
Has it ever lead you astray? If so, what caused the disconnect?
What do you imagine intuition could do for you?
How would you know it if your intuition was sharper?
Sacred Circle and Sharing Stories.
Sacred Circle Outline- Aromacleanse-
Light Candle- intention below in Welcome.
Welcome- The mission of our group is to experience a circle. To try applying focused listening and thoughtful speaking.
Quieting—Talk a few minutes to become calm and quiet. Notice your breath. Breathe in and out three times. Leave any other issues outside the door.
Touch In- Left palm up receiving Right palm down sending.
Circle Process- We sit facing each other. Whoever wishes to start speaks. Then we will move around the circle. We will keep silent and attentive while others speak. If you start to drift away from the speaker, notice and with your breath come back.
If you are in your head thinking, try to breathe yourself back to your heart and listen with your heart.
We speak thoughtfully, for no more than 5 minutes. There is no blaming or shaming others. If someone has an emotion we do not squelch it by comforting them, agreeing, or disagreeing. When we comfort someone else’s tears it is often to stop our own pain.
We let the speaker tell their truth and we deal with our own emotional reaction to them. Acknowledge your own reaction, then come back to the center and listen.
We speak from our heart, about ourselves, our feelings. We take responsibility for what we say.
The rest of the community listens. If you have a theory on how a person should live their life, or fix their issue, come back to your heart. Breathe out your distracting thought and come back to the listener. Listen with your heart.
Today we discuss, briefly, how we are today, (our emotional tone) if we have ever been excluded from power in the past. This is a way to share it and be inclusive at the same time. (How to apply the circle in your life- family, work, community).
End with closing thoughts and a thank you to the ancestors of the circle, peer spirit, and Kathleen Thompson.
Share your story. Class shares their journal exercises and autobiography.
Other topics to discuss in the circle.
One by one-
In which areas of your life, (love, money, family, etc) have you made bad decisions?
Where have you made good choices?
What is your family pattern with intuition?
- What makes you happy?
2. What makes you passionate?
What makes you sad?