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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Charting Your Journey With the Mandala

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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The Daisy Mandala:

Do this segment online. Start by listening to Jenny at the bottom right of the page. Then download your daisy mandala and continue through the page.

The daisy mandala is used as a drawing in this exercise you can try and also use with clients The daisy-like flower used by us has 31 petals, one for every day of the month, and a hollow centre.

Animated Video on Concepts of the Daisy Mandala

Once a day, the client colours the petal for that day, to reflect how/he feels, after thinking about the issue that they are dealing with through flower essences.

Some clients put notations beside the petal to mark key events, feelings, etc. Some clients (some with practitioner help) provide a meaningful colour key (e.g., black= down; red = happy; blue = sad).,
Instruct the client to start with the petal whose number corresponds to the day of the month they start the remedy and go from there. That way, it will be easy to correlate actual dates with particular events, moods, and feelings. Some clients ignore this request and simply start at petal 1. Be sure you know which method your client has used.

At the end of the remedy cycle, the client fills in the centre area, to reflect her/his feeling about the cycle for dealing with the issue at hand.
The daisy provides a record of the essence-taking cycle. The client brings the daisy back to the practitioner for discussion at the next session.
Some clients put notations beside the petal to mark key events, feelings, etc. Some clients (some with practitioner help) provide a colour key that is meaningful (e.g., black= down; red = happy; blue = sad).,

Complexity: Some clients use a single colour in a single depth of saturation, per petal. Others use several colours, often with designs and different saturation in individual petals. Clients who are or. become more self-aware, produce more complex petals.

Care: Some are coloured in, staying within the lines and others are rather sloppy. This may be an indicator of mood, eye-hand coordination or of the need for a particular flower essence associated with this behaviour.


The Flower Mandala

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