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The Earth Spirit Medicine Program

With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. Addictions & Self Nurturing

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

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Ch 5- Genie’s Shadow Side

 There is a vast difference between wanting to change and being willing to change. Almost everyone wants to change for the better. Very few are willing to take the steps necessary to create that change.  The Mind Unleashed.

Gini starts the lesson out in Lumera’s classroom, by saying, “When you are too good of a human genie, such as a Full genie, or a Super genie, there is a tendency to get overwhelmed. If you are not caring for your primary physical needs such as, good food, drink and high-quality rest your emotions will also be affected.”

“As you know from earlier lessons, genies are vulnerable to being ‘used’ by addicts. Genies themselves, sometimes try to self soothe in unhealthy ways and become addicted. Before genies can become healthy, responsible wish makers, they need to stop their addictions. A few common dependencies are listed below. There are many other varieties of addiction, some less harmful than others, but all lessen your potential and magic,” states Gini.

Genie Lesson # 32

Identify your Addictions

Addiction to Substances-

Addictions derail both genies and captors. Cravings are false friends that pretend to meet primary needs like, hunger, safety or stability. But really, they are only distractions that create other problems. It is hard to get out of the genie Lantern if you are unable to stop your addictions, especially to drugs, tobacco, alcohol or other harmful substances. It is beyond the scope of this book to adequately address this issue, but it is essential to understand the impact of addictions, and that you need to deal with them, to be free.

Addiction to Sex

This powerful Genie addiction is vital to recognize and conquer. Engaging in frequent sex with many people initially seems like a way to grant wishes but eventually becomes a weapon that causes pain through hurt and possibly deceit.

When you learn to understand your power to influence the outcomes in your life, you will not need to prove you are loveable, attractive and desirable through random or frequent hookups. You will instead practice giving yourself the approval you need. This is the only way to keep yourself out of the proverbial bottle.

Addiction to Food or Diets

Most of us know this one well. You need to eat, but if you indulge in the wrong things, or overeat you end up lusher than you like. Finding a balanced lifestyle, which might include changing when and what you nosh, is helpful. You need to choose food to enhance your health and energy. I have found cutting out snacking after 6 pm, six days a week has helped both myself and my husband.

Financial Debt

Money worries plague many North Americans. Living within one’s means can be difficult for many reasons. Having massive debt causes stress and enslaves you to living and working in conditions which may be harmful. You may even splurge on things that you don’t want, or on people for the wrong reasons. Learning to keep your spending in check and finding legal and life-promoting ways to attract enough money will help loosen this bind.



Betting addictions are also an unsuccessful way to try to empower self and grant wishes. The harm to self and others that comes from this habit is staggering.

Evasion and Deception

Sometimes, less mature, genie-people live like they do not recognize they have a choice. They learned somewhere along the line that evasion or deception is a quicker or safer way for them to get what they want. Or maybe in true genie-style, they didn’t want to be disliked for telling people the truth. Either way, deception causes much hurt over time. It also discredits the genie, so they are not thought of as credible or trustworthy in the long run. Learning to be truthful, even when it makes one unpopular is freeing.

It is brave but necessary to take care of your addictions. You will not live the life you want if they are not dealt with. Learning about your background, root issues, polarities, and gifts increase self-awareness. Finding an addictions therapist is also necessary for anyone caught in life crushing dependence. Find a counsellor or program that resonates with you. If you are not conventionally religious, 12 step programs may not be the answer.

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.         Aung San Suu Kyi

The Care and Feeding of a Genie!

Instead of Addictions Nurture Your Real Needs

Genie Lesson # 33  79 Lettuce

Make Good Food and Drink Choices

Eating fresh food, eliminating trans fats and taking the time to relax and chew while eating properly, are habits that promote good health. Owning one piece of equipment, a good blender, such as a nutribullet or Vitamix can give you many quick, fresh, food options. Green smoothies and broths can improve your nutrient intake. Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables can help increase energy and decrease some disease.

Adding probiotics to your diet can be helpful, especially if you have ever taken antibiotics. Getting your gut microbes working for you will increase, health, energy and aid weight loss.

Drinking sugary sodas, alcohol and fruit juices add too much sugar to the diet and make it unhealthy. Sugar is a dietary villain, but diet-sodas and fake sugars can be even worse.

You may consider-

Do your food and drink habits promote your health and enhance your ability to make your wishes come true?

What are you willing to change to make your food and drink habits more conducive to healthy living?

Genie Lesson # 34

Sleep to Sustain Health and Energy

Many people are not able to carry out their wishes because they are not well rested. Sleeping soundly and long enough is imperative for health and sanity.

Too much caffeine at the wrong time of day can interfere with sleep. The amounts differ enormously. I can’t personally have a coffee for 12 hours, before bedtime.

Stress, noise, too light of a room, an uncomfortable bed, disturbances and not getting enough hours in bed are just a few reasons people do not sleep well. Playing with your phone, or electronics too close to bedtime is unsettling. Hormonal issues like premenstrual syndrome can cause a brutal disruption in sleep patterns. Peri-menopause which can last for years may also leave women sleep-deprived. As a whole, both genders sleep more poorly as they age. Melatonin and herbs like passionflower, skullcap and chamomile are soothing for some. Always ensure you do not have an allergy before proceeding. Drugs that help sleep can be very habit forming, so be careful if using them.

But, if you are not sleeping well, figure out what you can change right now. This problem can be severe, zapping energy and joy away from daily life.

How do you sleep?

If you do not sleep long enough or deeply enough, what can you change today?

The potions suggested in Magical Passage J will not substitute for the behavioural changes suggested in this lesson but may help enhance your sleep.

Genie Lesson # 35 

Exercise to Maintain Good Health

Movement is vital to boost mood and enhance health. Sitting at the computer or television for more than an hour at a time is harmful. Too much sitting is a modern-day plague, as this is how many of us do our work. I am guilty of this habit.

Find exercises you love, such as, walking, dancing, running, yoga, weight lifting or stretching. Vary up your exercise choices throughout the week to include aerobic, stretching and weight resistance. Try to do about 20 minutes 5 times per week.

Personally, I like to make exercise practical. For example, I do my housework, as this saves money, gets chores accomplished and provides movement. I walk to deliver the packages we sell from our website, as this also has multiple benefits. Are there some practical ways you can add movement into your life? Exercise is a natural antidepressant; use your work out time to gain perspective and give your mind a break.

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