Welcome Back to The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies E-Course, Practical Potions 2, Apprentice Ship Adventure
The Advanced Practical Potions Journey- Video–
Robert has asked Jack, a second-year student, to tell you about the Journey
How to Navigate Your Adventure in Aromatherapy-
A review of how to work with the program follows. If you have a good memory, you may only need to skim the information below, but a few operating procedures have changed.
Units & Lessons:
Our Webmaster has kindly added a Table of Contents to the Course. It shows up as a purple vertical line. Tap on it to view and choose the lesson you wish to visit.
Animated Instructors:
Your animated instructors are here to add to your pleasure. If at any time they stop you from advancing to the next page, hover over the character with your cursor. You will see an x appear. Press the x, and the character will temporarily disappear, allowing you to move forward. Press the refresh button at the top of your screen to bring it back. If the sound of the character disrupts your thoughts or speaks at the same time as a video, hover over it until you see a mute button. Press mute to silence the character. Press the play button to allow it to resume.
Your Practical Potions Journal-Interactive Aromatherapy Downloads:
Go to the “downloads” at the bottom of most pages to magically receive your Practical Potions Journal segment for that section. Not all pages have downloads.
Course Schedule:
Lessons are all available at purchase, but please proceed sequentially.
Enjoy the Advanced Aromatic Adventure, and Welcome Back!
If you have questions about administration, please contact our office- Catherine nsc@northernstarcollege.com If you have inquiries about course content, write Laurie, selfheal@telusplanet.net
This is part 2 of the journey to explore the pleasurable and healing art of Aromatherapy.