Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

A. A Look at the Outline

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

Assignment Outline VideoDo this segment online.

As with Practical Potions, if you see a virtual assistant show up, on the bottom right-hand side of the page, listen to her before proceeding. Jenny, (in this case), will have succinct and important instructions for you.
(You may need to turn up your volume when listening to the video below after the music ends.)

This video is an overview of the first unit done with the class

We changed the dates for the program after some of these videos were made, so if any of the assignment dates spoken in the video below do not match the written schedule, use the dates written below as the main template.

Project Outline For F.E. Assignments:

Pay close attention to this outline, as you will be responsible for doing all of your assignments and handing them in. This page has all the details about the assignments and due dates. Chapter 13 has many of the forms necessary to complete these assignments.

Assignment Name & Number
1A) Intuitive Selection Exercise
Assigned- Feb 25, 2022- Due April 8.
Buy Your Essence-
Create A Dosage Bottle.
Take this Flower Essence for 28 days.
Keep a Journal, highlighting your experience.

1B) Provide Verbal feedback in class, on how visual selection worked for you during class. Assigned Feb 25, 2022. Due April 8.

2A) Interview a Fellow Student Using the Kramer Technique.

Choose a partner.  Assigned March 13, 2022- Due May, 13.
Use page 4 of the outline; Assignment # 2 Interview # 1- Kramer/Bach Interview to do write up.
Write Up the Interview.

2B)Get Interviewed by Your Partner.
Take this essence for 28 days.
Keep notes on how this experience goes.
Send a summary of your own journey with these essences and your client interview to Laurie selfheal@telusplanet.net                                                                  Assigned April 8- Due May 13

3A) Follow Up to Student Interview from Kramer technique.
Conduct about April 8, – Due June 10.

3B) 2nd Student Interview-Californian and Healing Herb Essences

Choose a different partner for this assignment.
Conduct an interview and determine the essence selections. Do a write-up choosing F.E.S. and Healing Herb brand essences. The blend you create may consist of more than 1 essence, less than 6. Follow Forms 3A & 3B for these assignments.
Interview assigned for May, 2022-Due July 2022.

4A) Interview A Client– Conduct after May 11, 2022-Due July 2022.
Use your Interview Form 3B- (Same as for 3B student interview).

 5)  Botanical Exercise

(To Be Presented in Class the last day of Flower Essence class, May 15).

Use the 12 Windows of Plant Perception Handout to plan your 15 minutes, or so, talk.  http://www.flowersociety.org/twelve.htm
You will not need to hand your talk in, but rather guide the class through your perceptions. You may deviate from the form and get creative, but also cover the 12 windows thoroughly.
Start after the first weekend of class, while taking the single essence from your visual selection technique.

Details for each assignment can be found in chapter 13. You will be responsible to look up what is required and email or hand in each assignment to Laurie selfheal@telusplanet.net on the due date listed. Botanical Exercise #5 is an in-class presentation and does not need to be handed in.


This Outline is a Summary of Assignments and gives you a copy of forms, etc. Most of this will be in Chapter 13 or sprinkled throughout your course. So, don’t get overwhelmed, I just wanted you to have all of it in one place.

OUTLINE Flower Ess Intro. 2022


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