Where Intellect & Intuition Merge

Practical Potions 1: An E-Course About Aromatherapy

The Northern Star College offers a variety of online Programs, including: Earth Spirit Medicine, Herbology, Flower Essences and the Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program, 

All  Aboard for the Northern Star College’s Practical Potions and Apprentice Ship Adventure!

Are you drawn to essential oils? Do you crave an earthy, “scentual” life? Our ecourse is for those ready to infuse their routines with nature’s simplicity and beauty.

Envision yourself as an atmospheric artist, defying the mainstream with essential oils as your vibrant palette. These natural essences empower you to transform your space and mood.

Master the art of crafting your beauty and cleaning products. Bring potent and disinfecting essential oils into your home and toss out the harsh chemicals. Take charge of your home’s scent and mood. Turn cleaning from a toxic chore to a healthy experience. Turn your home into a haven of well-being, mirroring the essence of who you are.

Transform routines such as brushing your teeth and bathing into “scentual rituals.” Tailor-make the beauty and cleaning products you used to buy. Begin your mornings energized with handmade toothpaste and end with a tranquil, aromatic bath. This course celebrates self-sufficiency and natural living, culminating in a daily routine that’s genuinely yours.

Learn about the botanical and intuitive qualities of over 90 essential oils and 45 carrier oils from instructors who have taught, used and worked with essential oils for over 30 years. Inhale the course components while developing your knowledge about using essential oils safely and passionately.

Discover the properties of essential oils and develop the expertise to make what you need.



A Personal note to those contemplating the Practical Potions, Introductory, Apprentice Ship Adventure-

It’s been quite the voyage since we started teaching aromatherapy in a classroom over 35 years ago. Then, about seven years ago, we added an online Practical Potions Program. We recently revised that version and now offer a deeper, more enriching experience, emphasizing the information and exercises our students love most.

Our Aromatherapy adventure is presented in two separate parts: the Introductory and the Advanced Practical Potions. Our introductory program distills our combined 65 years of experience teaching and using essential oils.

Unlike much in this new era, this course does not offer a quick overview of aromatherapy but distills over 35 years of research, teaching, and work with essential oils. It took hundreds of hours and many years to create. It is a deep dive into aromatherapy, emphasizing scientific and intuitive aspects.

Offering a class online has pros and cons.
We sometimes miss seeing our students in person. Still, we have set up a FaceBook group for students in the Pleasure and Apprentice Ship programs to share ideas and experiences and develop a sense of community. Now that the program is online, we can keep it up to date with new research, keeping students current even after graduation. Students can take the course whenever they wish, even while wearing pyjamas.

We have navigated numerous experiences with aromatherapy, from selling our signature essential oils in our boutique in the ’90s to our present wholesale business. Having taught aromatherapy since nearly its inception in the late 1980s, we’ve witnessed its remarkable growth. Aromatherapy is both our business and passion. We use essential oils daily and still marvel at their usefulness and beauty.

If this is your first class with us, or if you are contemplating the introductory course, we encourage you to first embark on a Free Cruise. It’s an engaging way to discover if this adventure resonates with you and, in itself, an opportunity to learn more about aromatherapy.

With warmest wishes, Laurie and Robert


Free Cruise – Click to Try a Sample of the Apprentice Ship Adventure,   Take a Free Cruise

Introductory, Apprentice Ship, Adventure– $1,295.00.
Pleasure Cruise, Adventure- $895.00

If this journey feels like an essential adventure for you and you want to join us, email Catherine at nsc@northernstarcollege.com to sign up for the entire course. Or email Laurie at selfheal@telusplanet.net or Robert at scents@telusplanet.net

There are no refunds if you join us and commit to the introductory aromatherapy program. The Practical Potions Course is only available online.


The classes from Northern Star College comprise one part of your education and express the viewpoints of the instructors. Please make good, thorough decisions about your well-being, including medical advice for yourself, your family, and clients when called for. Neither Northern Star College nor its instructors accept legal responsibility for how you use the information in the program.


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